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2022 Workout accountability...

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    Back at it for the first workout of the year. It was good too! Chest and bicep supersets with 5X5 on chest and 5X8 on biceps. The time off helped my right wrist and shoulder heal up and it felt pretty good today so I went heavy.

    Incline bench on smith machine/preacher curl
    Bench press on smith machine/BB curl
    Inverse grip bench press on smith/hammer curl arm blaster
    Incline DB fly with a twist/overhead cable curl

    Back and legs tomorrow.


      Wednesday's CG workout complete. It's endurance week, so an hour of steady movement between dumbbells, body weight, and cardio.

      I sure have problems getting motivated to workout outside when it's in the 30's or colder, but somehow I still end up soaking wet from sweat.

      I am going to throw in an ab round later today using the 15 minute ab workout from P90X to work on this midsection.


        Ready to do this but dang my allergies have me.

        Going to do this for 30 days

        Exercise #1: Barbell Squats 3 sets of 12-15 reps
        Exercise #2: Barbell or Trap Bar Deadlift 3 sets of 6-8 reps
        Exercise #3: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-12 reps
        Exercise #4: Pullups or Lat Pulldown 3 sets of 8-10 reps
        Exercise #5a: Barbell Curls 3 sets of 8-10 reps
        Exercise #5b: French Press sets of 8-10-reps


          Originally posted by Throwin Darts View Post
          I have some major PTSD on the bike but that will wear off in time. Time to get after it!
          I went over my bars at 25mph a few years ago and really had a problem riding in tight groups after that. I just started back this week riding again so hopefully I'm over that and can race again.

          Riden the past 3 days with some weight training also.


            Got my first workout in since being sick over Christmas. Went full cardio today. 40 minutes on treadmill, 20 minutes on rowing machine, and 15 minutes on elliptical.


              Originally posted by 7sdad View Post
              I went over my bars at 25mph a few years ago and really had a problem riding in tight groups after that. I just started back this week riding again so hopefully I'm over that and can race again.

              Riden the past 3 days with some weight training also.
              Nice! I haven't been able to clip in on the bike yet. I threw mountain bike pedals on my road bike because I'm still hesitant. I need to work through that here soon though.


                the last gym i was a member of was a crossfit gym, i guess 4 years ago now, and i loved it. i have lifted since i was a teenager, played HS sports and had a very brief stint in college football, and i was in better shape as a 37-38yo than i ever have been. i just didnt like the drive and wanted to save some money so i bought my own stuff.

                i have a pretty good setup in my garage, rig, Kbs, DBs, plyo box.... but joined planet fitness last month so i could workout with my son and have use of a treadmill...and those massage chairs are sweet.

                i canceled it yesterday, no squat rack, no bench press, not even a pull-up bar, i just couldnt do it. there is no energy in that place lol

                joined a "real" gym yesterday, hit the squats and legs pretty good, plan on hitting bench and chest today. i always mix in some pull-ups and/or KB swings between sets as well, i guess the handful of years of crossfit have me where i cant just stand there or sit still between sets.

                i like the 5x5 work on the compound lifts and sabrekiller motivated me to set some goals, 300 bench, 375 squat, and 405 deadlift, is where i am going to start.

                maybe i can get in good enough shape to do an xterra race that i have always checked out and never followed through with lol...

                stay after it folks, if you need motivation go check out david goggins on instagram, not in front of your kids!.......stay hard!


                  Originally posted by Throwin Darts View Post
                  Nice! I haven't been able to clip in on the bike yet. I threw mountain bike pedals on my road bike because I'm still hesitant. I need to work through that here soon though.
                  At least in a Tri you cant draft so your not real close to anyone like in road racing or gravel racing. Good luck with your training.


                    First time to comment on this or last year’s workout accountability thread. I’ve done a bit of lurking however. I’ve been in a good routine for the past two years, getting to the local PF gym 5-6 days per week. Some abs and cardio (stationary bike or elliptical machine) each visit, plus weights. Four day lifting rotation of arms, legs, chest, back and shoulders. At age 63, I’m likely stronger than ever. Much like another 63 y.o.said a few posts ago, I’m creeping up on a bench press goal of 300, but for the first time! I’m currently at 290 and should get to my goal next week. Keep up the good work. Have a great year!


                      Both of my collar bones are out of their socket plus 2 surgeries on each so there are a lot of things I can't or shouldn't be lifting. What are some good ways I could get my shoulders stronger?


                        Hey fella's!
                        Was on vacation in North Iowa for 2 weeks.Had some really good workouts while we were gone.Everyday was a big one.Going to different gyms around the area was really cool.Bout to head to my home gym now.Keep hammering!



                          Originally posted by 7sdad View Post
                          Both of my collar bones are out of their socket plus 2 surgeries on each so there are a lot of things I can't or shouldn't be lifting. What are some good ways I could get my shoulders stronger?
                          If they're outta the socket,you'd be f'd..Close grip rows,incline bench(close grip).Keep all of your movements between the delts.


                            Morning Gents! Another great start to the day with back and legs today. 5X5and heavy enough that I could only get 5 reps. I'm gonna pay for that later today. And maybe tomorrow.

                            Front squat/t-bar row
                            Sled leg press/inverse grip bent over BB row
                            Back squat/weighted pull-up/incline sit up
                            Low row/prone leg curl/hanging leg raise

                            Chest and triceps tomorrow


                              legs are screaming from the squats tuesday, i was able to squeeze in some flat bench and incline DB bench yesterday.

                              hoping to hit some deadlift, pullups, and tricep work this afternoon.


                                on the last week of month 2 of the Wendler 5/3/1 BBB Challenge.

                                Not back up to my old weights yet, but feeling stronger than ever if that makes sense.

                                Nothing but compound lifts, chinups/pullups and farmers carries. I'm down almost 20 lbs from September.

