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Doge Coin

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    Dogecoin tumbles after Elon Musk calls it a ‘hustle’ on ‘SNL’ show

    I'm not that excited about Elonone now.

    please excuse brevity and dictation errors.


      Glad I only invested $75 into this��


        bought mine at .0008c

        im pretty happy with that investment, however, if you bought high you are most likely regretting it right now


          Originally posted by alien_scones View Post
          Dogecoin tumbles after Elon Musk calls it a ‘hustle’ on ‘SNL’ show

          I'm not that excited about Elonone now.

          please excuse brevity and dictation errors.
          yea that whole web site looks shady.


            To buy or not buy at .46 after Musks SNL appearance that is the question

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              Originally posted by alien_scones View Post
              Dogecoin tumbles after Elon Musk calls it a ‘hustle’ on ‘SNL’ show

              I'm not that excited about Elonone now.

              please excuse brevity and dictation errors.
              The difference is, DOGE tanked and ELONONE is still going up this morning.


       much for the sky rocketing spike most of us thought would happen this weekend. I still have a solid portfolio of crypto but not what I expected I'd have this morning that's for sure. [emoji2955]

                Oh's gambling. Pure and simple. Most of us don't have a clue what we're doing and NONE of us know what will happen.


                  I read an article on yahoo the other day which quoted Elon and hinted at him saying something on SNL that would not be in favor of the coin

                  It must be something to be in the position to say four words and have people nation wide make or lose money on it.


                    Bought some more this morning at .42. It’s already back up to .58



                        DOGE has been delt a fatal blow. Another Elon Musk mean tweet and it's over.

                        Not sure why he did that on SNL, previously his DOGE promo tweets brought in a lot of fan boi robinhood money.

                        I bet they feel crossed now.

                        It's bad news all around, Musk will have zero credibility on the crypto front. Astro-Elon should move away from anything to do with Musk.

                        please excuse brevity and dictation errors.


                          It's a hustle.

                          ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

                          please excuse brevity and dictation errors.


                            Originally posted by alien_scones View Post
                            DOGE has been delt a fatal blow. Another Elon Musk mean tweet and it's over.

                            Not sure why he did that on SNL, previously his DOGE promo tweets brought in a lot of fan boi robinhood money.

                            I bet they feel crossed now.

                            It's bad news all around, Musk will have zero credibility on the crypto front. Astro-Elon should move away from anything to do with Musk.

                            please excuse brevity and dictation errors.


                              It's was in the skit, SNL wrote it, Remember SNL and Hollywood hate people that make a lot of money unless it's them. He will do something to correct it.


                                I'm beginning to agree with other analysts ... He Musk is unstable. His SNL antics harmed a lot of followers.

                                BTW SNL skits are rehearsed. Over and over before the live show. I can guarantee someone on the inside knew about this ahead of time and set themselves up for a nice short haul.

                                please excuse brevity and dictation errors.

