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I Don't Matter

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    You got to start some where. He did to he didn’t come in knowing everything he learned just like you will. Tell him to jump in a lake. Keep o n keeping on


      Originally posted by LlanoHunter10 View Post
      I get that i should pay him no mind and get thicker skin. But i feel this comment would be more geared toward a person who is a POS who does the bare minimum and goes home. I feel that I have been a valuable member of this team and have helped out in other areas of the plant to learn and retain knowledge that may be beneficial to me in the future. If i'm not helping others or doing my job in my area, I'm face down in my manuals and outside tracing systems to learn and ask my trainer questions and senerio's to gauge where and how to respond in an emergency situation. To do all that and still be told i dont matter kinda sucks.
      I have seen this play out time after time over the years. Usually it is someone just doing enough to get by in their job and try to dissuade new guys from learning all they can. They know if someone puts time and effort into the job that it is possible that they can be replaced, therefore they are trying to protect their own lazy self by making those statements. Hang in there and learn all you can and don't pay attention these type of slackers.


        One day you'll get to razz the FNG and you'll laugh about it. Until then, don't sweat it.


          You're good enough. You're smart enough. And doggone it, people like you.


            You'll probably be his boss one day


              I don't know where you work, but I can assure you that you do matter. You may not know as much today as you will tomorrow at your job, but everything you do makes a difference. Showing up early, working hard, working smart, being observant, seeing things that need to be done and making sure they get done. Initiative, intelligence, leadership. That's what matters. So, yes you matter and you are making a difference.


                I’ve always tried hard to excel at work and have been successful most of the time. When you do that, some people that know you are going to eventually pass them up will try to bring you down. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a “company man”, “try-hard”(whatever that means), and other things. I also had people ask me why I put in so much effort when it didn’t matter. I always chalked it up to the fact that I was willing to put in effort that they weren’t and it made them feel/look bad.
                On the other side of it, I have seen trainees that come in and think they are God’s gift to the unit. I’m not saying you are doing this, but maybe that guy thinks you are and he was just giving you some tough love.

                Either way, my advice is to keep going above and beyond and you will add value to the company.


                  I've worked operations in power plant and chemical plant the last 35 yrs. I've told countless trainees virtually the same thing although usually with a smile. The trainees reaction tells me volumes about them. Are they going to wilt at the first sign of stress?
                  Or are they going to respond to the challenge? I tell them them they dont know anything yet but they will. My advice is to get thicker skin. If the guy is a genuine tool (and they are out there), gravitate toward people who are positive and show up to help anytime there is a problem,even if not in your particular area.
                  Good luck with your new career!


                    I’ve been in the same unit for 10 years as of this month. Most of the guys are pretty cool up here and some are bitter about new guys. Essentially you don’t mean much at this point. I recognized that about myself when I was new here because when there was an actual upset I couldn’t do much except stay out of the way and learn after it happened. I trained hard and always went outside to learn and help. Even after qualifying in a job I only knew a fraction of what I was going to learn. You won’t be an asset until you can help the unit survive an upset without being directed what to do. My advice is to stay tough, be attentive, always go help everyone, and just keep a positive attitude. You have to have thick skin to be in most of these units. If you keep grinding you will be fine. If you can cook for the shift you will be liked even faster ��


                      Originally posted by doright View Post
                      In the grand scheme of a big company he is right. None of us matter. At some point we all can and will be replaced. Those that realize this work hard to make sure it doesn't happen anytime soon . Those that think they are irreplaceable seem to find the door sooner than they thought. We all matter to someone. Keep your head up and be as good of a hand as you can. Remember ,every dog has his day, some just bark louder than others.

                      You seem flustered and upset by words. New common theme in 2021

                      Words hurt


                        I have been working at a plant for 25 years, guys that can take what this guy is saying, and have thick skin and keep their nose to the grindstone and even heckle this guy back usually survive and make it ( that was back in the day). At my company now if you say something like that to someone especially if you are a white male, you will be, in the HR office probably losing your job. The reason for this is because my company is woke, I care inclusive in diversity and culture, wants everyone treated the same no matter if your the best worker or a lazy POS. All that being said, guys now use all sick time they have, do half as good a job, and the workers are not anywhere close to as good as they were 25 years ago. Don't get me wrong some new guys are great workers with, good skill sets and work ethic, most are not. You sound like one of the good ones. Just keep your nose to the grindstone, and show this guy that you are not like most of the rest you will earn his respect.


                          Originally posted by LlanoHunter10 View Post
                          I get that i should pay him no mind and get thicker skin. But i feel this comment would be more geared toward a person who is a POS who does the bare minimum and goes home. I feel that I have been a valuable member of this team and have helped out in other areas of the plant to learn and retain knowledge that may be beneficial to me in the future. If i'm not helping others or doing my job in my area, I'm face down in my manuals and outside tracing systems to learn and ask my trainer questions and senerio's to gauge where and how to respond in an emergency situation. To do all that and still be told i dont matter kinda sucks.
                          Everybody starts off as a ball of fire. Just keep it up and don't let people get to you. It really doesn't matter how hard you work usually. It matters who you are related in most cases in this line of work.


                            Some people are just miserable and want everyone else to be that way with them. Keep pushing and building a name for yourself. You determine what your career will be not some disgruntle employee that is mad at everything.


                              I just retired from a chemical plant and as others have said let it go. Guy probally has a small Johnson and is trying to make up for it by being an a##.

                              I have seen them come and seen them go.


                                You're low man on the totem pole and ain't as important as some, that's the truth. We all start somewhere. Other guy sounds like a jackwagon who thinks he's better than everyone.

