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What's a "True Conservative"

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      Originally posted by Landrover View Post

      awesome, let's include attorneys in there, sorry bedown??? whatever your name is...


        Originally posted by Shane View Post
        You don't really believe that there are any conservatives that don't know exactly what the truth is about the establishment ruling class, do you? Recognizing the problem is painfully easy. The hard part is solving it. That's where our differences are. A middle finger vote might feel good, but it doesn't do anything to solve the problem. And we can't solve the problem completely, and certainly not with one election. But we have to start somewhere. We missed our chance to start this time. The hole will be deeper now, so it'll be even harder to climb out of. Hopefully we'll be more serious about actually getting to work on that next time. In the meantime, we DANG sure better make sure we elect some principled conservatives to Congress.
        Missed our chance where?? Please do not say Cruz.. He stood 0 chance against Hillary.. He is too soft.. She would have ate him alive..
        As bad as Trump may or may not be, he is the only one out of the 17 that stands a fighting chance at beating Hillary.. If it were Anyone one else from that bunch, you may as well hand her the keys..


          Sorry... trying to fix this via the ballot box is a complete waste of time; the politicians control too much of our daily lives.. and there are too many layers of politicians between the common citizen and the federal congress...

          Like said above... start with your school board and work your way up...

          however the problem is... the minute they are elected they begin to corrupt, there simply is no way to compete with the cash and the power...


            OK, so let's say we have a revolution with blood in the streets and all of that. Then what?

            Are we going to have to kill, deport or imprison everybody that is in favor of a big and instrusive government? Do we just hold an election after the smoke clears and hope that all the big government loving survivors are afraid to vote or that they somehow have a change of heart?

            The problem isn't so much the big government loving politicians. The problem is that there are far too many people who WANT a big government and vote for big government candidates - in both major parties.

            The longterm fix, whether there's a violent revolution or not, is still the ballot box. But the only way to fix what is happening at the ballot box is through education. There just aren't enough people who have an appreciation for and/or any actual understanding of the wisdom of the Constitution or of the folly of socialism/progressivism/populism (all big government philosophies). Education at every level, especially goverment and civics education, has been so subverted for so long by the leftists that we really are living out the movie, Idiocracy. It will take a LOT of work over the course of at least a generation to get the nation back on the right course.

            The first step will be to elect politicians who will at least stop the drift toward ever-increasing government over-reach. We had multiple people in the presidential race this time that would have been better than the candidates we're left with today. Sadly, all of the remaining candidates will increase the government's intrusions into our freedoms - a lot. We blew an opportunity to at least start down the road toward fixing things. We'll keep trying. And, yes I completely understand how much of an uphill climb that will be. We can either keep trying, or we can give up and live like sheep with everybody else. Nothing great was ever accomplished by people who accepted life as sheep.


              Ouch, lotta "glass half empty" or "fuel tank on Empty" folks. We all agree on the subject matter but on much different levels and/or degrees. Blood in the streets as we rid ourselves of tyrants..........then we replace them with another set of tyrants............I'm in!!!! LOL!
              A more logical approach to get folks away from BIG government mentality is thru opportunity (constitution & bill of rights)........which has been the hallmark of this nation for all legal citizens. Opportunity (jobs/education/entrepreneurship = life/liberty/pursuit of happiness) quickly diminishes the need for BIG government and the social & corporate handouts. On the opposite side of that coin, the incentive to mis-represent your constituents must be removed from the legislative process and the penalties for doing so must be enhanced or at least become common practice. That's a start, not a complete cure but at least we are treating the symptoms and not destroying the body with invasive medical procedures for a broken leg, collapsed lung & a few cracked ribs!


                I respect true conservatives rights to believe as they want but they don't seem to reciprocate. Until the Republican Party gets out of women's wombs and folks bedrooms/marriages they will be politically marginalized and may never win another national election, thus conceding smaller government and fiscal responsibility issues to the Democrats.

                Having just read all of the Texas Republican Party plank I can honestly say I agree with a lot of it but a lot of it is just batpoop crazy and a little embarrassing.



                  As long as the focus is on ideological purity not winning elections.

                  Also you should never name your group with a superlative (the implication being that if you aren't "true" you are "false") if your goal is serious discussion. "Extreme" or even "Social" seem more apt.


                    Originally posted by cosmiccowboy View Post
                    I respect true conservatives rights to believe as they want but they don't seem to reciprocate. Until the Republican Party gets out of women's wombs and folks bedrooms/marriages they will be politically marginalized and may never win another national election, thus conceding smaller government and fiscal responsibility issues to the Democrats.

                    Having just read all of the Texas Republican Party plank I can honestly say I agree with a lot of it but a lot of it is just batpoop crazy and a little embarrassing.


