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Serious accident while hunting

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    I did have a foot rest from a ladder stand fall out while setting it up. Hit me on top of the head and split my scalp pretty wide open. I had to drive from east of Mt. Pleasant to north of Dallas holding a cold wet towel on my head with one hand. Luckily it didn't knock me out but I'm sure I got some sort of concussion.

    And now I have a scar that barbers always ask me how I got.


      Originally posted by Kingfisher789 View Post
      What is "meat eater" podcast? I'm old but I'm slow.
      Steve Rinella's podcasts, some very interesting discussions, first one I listened to was the one about chronic wasting disease, very informative...

      Articles, videos, podcasts, recipes and more covering hunting, fishing, wild foods, conservation and everything in between.


        One of two......

        Labor Day weekend....September 2016, I was standing in the middle of a dove field under a center pivot irrigation system. A storm starting to roll in north of us. We were monitoring the storm on our phones. The storm appeared to be several miles north and we were still well south of the rainfall. I began to move away from the center pivot as a precaution and moved my shotgun away from my shoulder. Just as I cleared the terminal end of the pivot, lightning struck it. The current arced from the terminal end...across the ground.....and straight up my shotgun. I was nearly knocked to the ground and completely in shock. A trip to the ER......and a follow up with a Cardiologist....I was billed extremely lucky. My blood pressure was through the roof after that little event! I later learned that the lightning literally destroyed all of the wiring in the pivot.

        Major life lesson learned. When it rains now......I run!


          Almost died a couple of years ago. Opening morning it was pretty cool, climbed up my tree stand and flipped the seat up and about 100 wasps came flying straight toward my face. Being cool they were bundled up but were warm enough to fly.

          I jumped down 12' and almost impaled myself on a 2" sapling cut at an angle. It stood about 3' high. Another foot forward and I would have been screwed. My buddy cut it a couple days before because it grew up in the off season and I didn't notice the danger until it was almost too late. Didn't hunt that day, went straight to the truck and got a saw to cut it off at ground level.


            I pulled a tree limb off a mesquite tree one time. It snapped at the right moment and I fell face and neck into a mess of cactus. I murdered about 8 beers in 5 minutes after that. My buddy laughed till he had tears coming out his eyes as he plucked every cactus needle out of me. I still don’t see what was so funny! Haha


              I stuck a broad tipped arrow through my hand several years ago. Required around 30 stitches inside and outside of my hand


                Tore a groin muscle when I rolled a 4-wheeler guiding elk in CO. The rest of that season was ROUGH.


                  Driving a tpost and was on one of last ones very tired and the driver slipped up and off the post as I was in hammering motion I forcefully pulled it down and missed the post- the weight pulled my face within a half inch of the sharp post..could have lost an eye
                  Im very careful now...

                  Another had my cousin driving 4 wheeler he jumped a small burm and lost control. .kawasaki 700 rolled over top of me I felt crunches all over.. couldn't breathe. . Managed to get up and walk back to camp..cut up and bruised but thank God ok..
                  Atv was totaled


                    Serious accident while hunting

                    I was climbing down off a 16’ tripod at night after pig hunting last year...I had driven a t-post in the ground next to one of the legs and wired them together for added stability...anyway, I lost my footing and dropped straight down to the ground barely missing the t-post. It caught my jacket but luckily not me! That thing coulda went straight up my butt! Thankfully I only fell about 6 feet off the ground.

                    Last edited by Skinny; 12-07-2017, 09:51 PM.


                      Serious accident while hunting

                      Hand fed a wild hog once! Got bit taking hogs out of trap.
                      Last edited by WBA2000; 12-07-2017, 09:43 PM.


                        Lots of crazy close calls but nothing bad ... yet


                          About 25 years ago while climbing down after a hunt my bottom half of my stand gave while I was holding the top half away from the tree to get another bite on it. The bottom went to the ground. I fell about 5 feet holding the top half, and it caught the tree and I was shucked through and went straight to the ground, about 23 feet. I was hunting alone, down a ravine and it was dusk. After I realized I wasn't dead, I checked my bow for damage and decided I'd better shag it before I started hurting. When I went through the top half, I fractured 3 ribs and chipped my elbow.

                          I can tell you from experience, when people fall in the movies and yell on the way down is BS. You hit the ground before you can open your mouth.

                          I consider myself extremely lucky. I have some back problems now and I always wonder if that fall was the start of them.


                            Many years ago before everyone had cell phones and we all carried walkie talkies at the lease, I had a bad 4 wheeler accident. We all drove out for the evening hunt and I was going to sit in this blind on a cross fence that had a wasp problem. I took a can of spray and drove up under the blind to spray some nest. I left it running and it was in reverse. I leaned forward i guess and my leg hit the throttle. 4 wheeler had the front wheels turned and before i could get hold of it it flipped me over and pinned me between the barbwire fence and the ground.
                            It was opening day of rifle. I broke my left arm. I radio for help for like 3-4 hours with no response. Somehow muster up enough strength to lift it off me and ride back to camp with one arm. I get there and see dad has already made it back and I immediately lay into him about not answering the radio. He turned it off to avoid spooking any deer.

                            This was my very first year to have a lease and really start deer hunting, I was not about to leave on opening weekend. Made a camp stint that allowed me to somewhat brace my rifle up and went back to hunting. Went to hospital first thing Monday.


                              I nearly pooped myself one hunt. Had the worse BGs ever and couldn’t make it in.

                              Really wasn’t hunting but pulling a small pig out of a trap. Was tying him up and it bit the end of my left index finger off. Was bit from behind the entire finger nail. Had to go to the hospital to have sewed back on. Finger is about 1/8” shorter than the other index.


                                A few years ago I was in Idaho with my dad. We were setting up camp in the bitterroot, and I was two uprights short for my wall tent. Wasn’t much of an issue, as I could easily cut the right length of pine and knock off all the branches for a make do upright.

                                I had a RAZOR sharp small axe that I was using. I had just marked my cut with my axe, and was holding my hand within 6” of the spot to be cut. I was barely bringing the axe about 6-8” straight up, then immediately down to make the cut, so I wasn’t in any danger of hitting myself. Or so I thought. My dad walked by at the perfect moment, and bumped the branch I was cutting. It shifted everything 6” forward, including my hand. I took about 1/2” off the tip of my thumb. I was bleeding like a lung shot buck.

                                Me being the stubborn guy that I am refused medical treatment. Got out the first aid kit and made some mighty fine clean up of the situation. Tried that 4 times throughout the day, and couldn’t get the bleeding to stop for anything. Before bed I cleaned it up once last time and dressed it. Slept with my hand elevated to try and get the bleeding to stop on it’s own. Woke up in a puddle of blood. Decided we’d make the 3 1/2 hour trip into Missoula, Montana for the Dr, as that was the closest hospital. Got to the hospital and the dr looked at it, then dressed and cleaned it exactly as I had. He tried to send me on my way, but I stuck around 5 minutes just to show him that wasn’t going to do the trick. Sure enough 5 minutes later the new bandage looked like a massive red tomato on the tip of my thumb. He undressed it, Coterized it, and sent me on way. Not a single part of the whole thing hurt until the nurse stuck me with the anesthesia. That hurt 10x worse than any of it.

