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When Faith Wavers

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    When Faith Wavers

    When Faith Wavers
    James 1:5-8
    If we believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He has promised, why do so many of us habitually waver in our prayers? Instead of exercising bold faith, we come to the Lord “hoping” He will hear us and answer our requests, but we’re just not sure He will. With this kind of thinking, we cannot expect to receive anything from Him.
    One reason we are so prone to doubt is that we fail to see God at work in our circumstances. We asked, and nothing happened. But the Lord is not some cosmic bellhop who jumps in response to our requests. He sees past, present, and future and knows the right time for every answer. His invisible hand is already at work on our behalf—arranging situations to accomplish His will, opening hearts,
    and preparing us to receive what He wants to give.
    Another cause for uncertainty is ignorance. If we don’t know God’s ways, we will be disappointed in His response. All too often our prayers are accompanied by expectations of how He will work. When He fails to intervene according to our timetable or anticipated method, we start to doubt. But placing our faith in the Lord and trusting in His good and perfect ways gives us stability as we wait for His answer.
    To overcome doubts, spend time in the Word to learn God’s principles and ways. Then you’ll begin to grasp what He wants to achieve in your life and how He goes about it. Examine your past from a biblical perspective—faith will grow as you see the unexpected ways He answered your prayers.
    Dr. Stanley



      Thanks Bro. Bill


        Always sound words! I still struggle with our sons brain injuries and some days struggle with more than others. I know Gods plan is and will always be better than mine;however, watching our son struggle with epilepsy for 16 years, successful brain surgery, then developing some type of psychosis is a faith tester.
        And realize that we learn in the valleys and not on the mountaintops. But if I go through my whole life here and never learn or realize the lesson, what good was the lesson? I realize that things can always be worse, that he could have died and we’d be without him. It’s just hard trying to answer questions like “why did God allow this to happen to me Dad”? Or “Why don’t I have girlfriends Dad”? Or, “ who will I live with when your gone Dad”?
        I try to explain to him that I don’t have those answers but God does and He will make sure your never alone son. And , God will make all things right again. Just wished I could take his place in all this. Folks never take life for granted.


          Amen Bro Bill.


            Amen thanks


              Thank you.


                Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
                Always sound words! I still struggle with our sons brain injuries and some days struggle with more than others. I know Gods plan is and will always be better than mine;however, watching our son struggle with epilepsy for 16 years, successful brain surgery, then developing some type of psychosis is a faith tester.
                And realize that we learn in the valleys and not on the mountaintops. But if I go through my whole life here and never learn or realize the lesson, what good was the lesson? I realize that things can always be worse, that he could have died and we’d be without him. It’s just hard trying to answer questions like “why did God allow this to happen to me Dad”? Or “Why don’t I have girlfriends Dad”? Or, “ who will I live with when your gone Dad”?
                I try to explain to him that I don’t have those answers but God does and He will make sure your never alone son. And , God will make all things right again. Just wished I could take his place in all this. Folks never take life for granted.
                Folks never take life for granted.




                    always see these at the right times. thank you for all the great messages on here. i need to start getting on here in the mornings so i dont miss these.






                          Very true.I’ve use the term Gods not a galactic Santa Claus I chuckled at cosmic bellhop I may use this one too.




                              I think the biggest problem is we don't what His word says he will do. In some cases there are conditions placed on the promise, of which we are not aware. Likely falls into your "ignornace" category.

                              If know the Word, believe the Word, and go boldly into the thrown room....things happen.

