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Demo debate #2

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    Demo debate #2

    And the winner of last night's dem candidate debate was ???????????????

    I say it was the POTUS by far.

    None are even remotely electable.........


      Originally posted by Johnny Dangerr View Post
      None are even remotely electable.........
      X-2 'ol Bernie looked unhinged last night; uhh I mean more than usual.


        I now know why the Barnum and Bailey Circus shutdown... All their clowns decided to run for president! How are these people even in office to begin with? They hate Trump because he speaks truth to the American people, not the typical political BS that comes from DC. Keep America Great Mr. President!


          Trump could run around the White House naked with a party horn sticking out of his *** for the next year and a half and he’s still would not be as crazy as the candidates of the Democratic Party.


            Unless the bottom falls out of the economy, this should be a cakewalk for Trump- how can anyone, other than a yellow dog Democrat, vote for any of those unhinged idiots. The moderates in the group, who don't stand a chance of getting the nomination, would worry me some but they kept getting shouted down by the others. We'll see what comes out of tonight. On another note, I get so tired of the constant "racist" drumbeat from the left. I have yet to hear Trump mention any race or color in any of his tweets or comments. I guess because he criticizes stupid ideas, who mainly come from people of color, gets him the label. But if you think about it, who really is the racist?


              I didnt watch the entire thing.

              But did any of them say, vote for me because I am qualified.
              Attached Files


                We need to make sure that everyone we know votes in the 2020 election- not so much to make sure Trump gets re-elected (and don't assume he will so I don't need to vote) but to vote as many Democrats out as we can. I know the first two years of his presidency he had both houses and got nothing done, but this time Paul Ryan isn't around to squander the majority. Maybe Kevin MCarthy will be Speaker and we can get some things done.


                  If we could get super-majorities in both Houses of Congress, The Donald could kick 'er in over-drive gettin' things done... Build the wall, rework the social welfare system, STOP or greatly reduce the illegal immigration, and reduce incentives for illegals to want to come here in the first place... Plus we could get a host of other things done... likke... LOCK 'ER UP... and her merry band of crooks... And for sure would get at least one more SCOTUS appointment... We'd be set for a LOOOOONG time to prosper. Imagine how many federal lower court judge appointments could be done if we didn't have the DemoKrauts slow walking things like we have now!! GO TRUMP! KAG!


                    Originally posted by SaltwaterSlick View Post
                    If we could get super-majorities in both Houses of Congress, The Donald could kick 'er in over-drive gettin' things done... Build the wall, rework the social welfare system, STOP or greatly reduce the illegal immigration, and reduce incentives for illegals to want to come here in the first place... Plus we could get a host of other things done... likke... LOCK 'ER UP... and her merry band of crooks... And for sure would get at least one more SCOTUS appointment... We'd be set for a LOOOOONG time to prosper. Imagine how many federal lower court judge appointments could be done if we didn't have the DemoKrauts slow walking things like we have now!! GO TRUMP! KAG!
                    I’ll take that bet. Republicans could have 75 senators and 75% of the house. Very little would still get accomplished.


                      Originally posted by Stuck View Post
                      I’ll take that bet. Republicans could have 75 senators and 75% of the house. Very little would still get accomplished.
                      I think I'll have to disagree. When Trump was first elected, even the republicans were skeptical of him. I believe he would have WAY more support now. I mean, did you EVER think Lindsay Graham would grow a set. Winning is contagious, and I believe the republicans have been infected.


                        Originally posted by Ironman View Post
                        I think I'll have to disagree. When Trump was first elected, even the republicans were skeptical of him. I believe he would have WAY more support now. I mean, did you EVER think Lindsay Graham would grow a set. Winning is contagious, and I believe the republicans have been infected.
                        Graham is on board and riding Trumps coat tail for 2024.


                          Originally posted by Stuck View Post
                          I’ll take that bet. Republicans could have 75 senators and 75% of the house. Very little would still get accomplished.

                          Well you very well could be right... the Repulsians don't know how to stick together the way the DemoKrauts do... If they ever did, they could crush the Dems with facts and policy decisions... Hard to get them together with a Speaker like the last yeahoo Ryan, and good grief, Mitch McConnell is a joke... Lindsay Gramnasty is just riding Trump's coat tails... He'd flop in a second if he thought it would benefit his career and pocket...


                            Originally posted by Charles View Post
                            Graham is on board and riding Trumps coat tail for 2024.
                            Yep. Even a dimwit can recognize a winner


                              And just like that Trump wins another democrat debate.

