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Handling your meat...horror stories

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    Handling your meat...horror stories

    I’ve ran across a couple of situations in my day that made me cringe when it came to the way some folks handled their meat prior to processing it. The worse was a couple of years ago. I was coming into Rosharon on my way to work when a young buck decided to dart out and challenge my car to a head too head duel and if there was a real winner, it was the car. The buck was in pretty bad shape so I dispatched him on the side of the road and headed to work. After daylight I took a couple of pictures of the hair around the damaged area of my car but decided I would swing back by on my way home and get a picture of the deer just Incase the insurance company gave me any lip. Well to my surprise the deer was gone. I knew he didn’t walk off due to the fresh hole I put in his head so I started looking around thinking maybe a dog tried dragging him off...nope, the house closest to the scene had him on the front porch skinning him...14 hours SE June. In their defense, he was probably still warm from being in the sun ALL day. I informed them what time I hit him but they kept on skinning [emoji15]

    One of the last leases I was on had a couple of fellas from Austin on it (yes that adds value to the story [emoji12]) One of the guys shot a deer, gutted it and left it hanging in the tree. No biggie, it got pretty cold that night. The next day mid morning we had a deer to clean so he took the doe down, laid her on the ground while we cleaned and quarter our deer then hung her back up. It warmed up into the upper 50s that day. My Dad and I skimmed a few more deer so this process went on for the next 3 days with one of the days getting up to 70. On the 4th day he loaded the doe onto his receiver hitch basket and headed down the 5 miles of dusty caliche road to get to the blacktop and then headed to the processor over 2 hours away. We decided then we wouldn’t be trying any of his sausage.

    What’s the worst handling of meat you’ve witnessed?

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    Probably at an Asian massage parlor if I remember correctly.


      I was a butcher for 18 years as well as owning a processing plant for a while. I have seen some crazy stuff brought in. The truth is however that venison is a very safe red meat much like beef. Aging it to the point of almost rotting won't likely make a person sick if contaminants are kept off it.


        Back in the 70's my mom worked for Armour Meat Packing Co. She told me some stories.

        I never have and never will eat any potted meat, bologna or pressed meat out of a can!


          Gotta be careful mishandled meat could cause sickness for 18 years at minimum.


            Handling your meat...horror stories

            I kicked a few chicks out by means of the window so my roommates wouldn’t see them.


              Originally posted by Bayouboy View Post
              Probably at an Asian massage parlor if I remember correctly.


                I've seen a fella shoot a fallow buck in the guts with a .300 win mag and let it lie for a couple of hours. He then proceeds to clean the deer while my FIL and I are cooking our evening meal. You could hear him and his helper gagging the hole time, it was hilarious! For whatever reason, they kept the meat though..


                  Originally posted by Backwoods101 View Post

                  What’s the worst handling of meat you’ve witnessed?

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Mine or somebody else's?
                  I used to have a mirror on my ceiling many long moons ago


                    Originally posted by HoustonHunter View Post
                    I kicked a few chicks out by means of the window so my roommates wouldn’t see them.
                    Fat girls are like mopeds! Fun to ride till your friends catch you on one!!


                      Originally posted by GarGuy View Post
                      I was a butcher for 18 years as well as owning a processing plant for a while. I have seen some crazy stuff brought in. The truth is however that venison is a very safe red meat much like beef. Aging it to the point of almost rotting won't likely make a person sick if contaminants are kept off it.
                      When I was in college, and got a invite to go hunting/ bring my truck to haul deer to the processor, Saturday morning it was cold 45 or so and many deer were shot and hung up around camp
                      By 1pm the weather turned to hi 70’s many flies and in the sun
                      I went and told everyone “ let’s get to work cleaning y’all’s deer
                      It’s hot and flies are swarming them “ Sunday they deer are ripe and full of fly blow , I was asked to still take them to the processor, processor almost refused the deer because he thought they were to full of maggots, “ I asked him if he had to clean his sausage grinder every day and if so to wait till the end of the day a grind them up maggots and all and then charge the guys accordingly “ I never was asked about it and no one ever complained


                        Hunting in Zimbabwe we killed a bushbuck right at daylight and went back to camp to drop it off at the skinners. Hunted the rest of the day, temp high about 70, 45 that night. Brushbuck still hanging. Hunted all day and it was still hanging that evening. Highs in low 70s. FLIES all over it. It got picked up the next afternoon. Take a tough stomach to handle that meat....


                          90 degrees in the shade, hog in bed truck with bag of ice while they go take a nap. Hog only field dressed. Finished cleaning it next day meat still hot and stiff stanky.


                            I've always been very picky about who I let handle me meat. If you find the one that does it right, marry her.

                            Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                              I just helped someone process their first deer and the pulled out the meat and it looked like he took a chainsaw to the hams lol

                              That was fun cutting up to grind... My great uncle was a butcher for 40 years and he always said venison can take alot more abuse (weather) wise then people would expect.

