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"SaltGrass 3/d MaY 27"

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    Shooter January Scores February Scores March Scores April Scores May Scores Aggegate Scores
    Female Bowhunter Open (FBO) * * * * * *
    Evette Penland 64 NS 119 NS NS 482
    Female Bowhunter (FBH) * * * * * *
    Michelle Earthly NS NS 322 324 332 1416
    Jamie Spotswood NS 239 280 288 278 1345
    Molly Davis NS NS NS NS 287 1332
    Michelle Perthuis 274 257 NS 281 NS 1319
    Lynda LeCompte 261 261 263 268 NS 1298
    Dusty Schuster NS NS NS NS 246 1291
    Female Longbow (FLB) * * * * * *
    Thea Monnier NS 172 127 122 140 701
    Bella Mennedez 141 85 NS NS 143 562
    Christy Herring NS NS 73 NS NS 557
    Female Novice (FNO) * * * * * *
    Kayla Nelson NS 187 NS NS NS 547
    Haley Adcock NS 91 NS NS NS 451
    Female Recurve (FRC) * * * * * *
    Rebecca James 163 NS NS NS NS 811
    Female Youth (FYTH) * * * * * *
    Valeria Ramirez NS NS NS 219 NS 1253
    Holly Tucker NS 273 NS NS NS 1253
    Female Cub (FCUB) * * * * * *
    Nickie Scott-Evans NS NS NS 127 NS 631
    Male Bowhunter (MBH) * * * * * *
    Scott Mindrebo 304 263 285 266 298 1665
    Byron Baugus 301 290 316 302 312 1521
    Brandon Perthuis 294 301 309 302 NS 1455
    Carl Spaniel 253 294 275 262 296 1380
    Manuel Lopez NS 276 269 278 281 1345
    Kenneth Kilough NS NS 288 293 321 1342
    Clayton Scott 273 272 NS 293 272 1336
    Jeff Suggs NS 283 NS 274 304 1328
    Randy Wilson 242 262 263 277 280 1324
    Tommy Perthuis 248 268 274 263 NS 1302
    Alex Ramirez NS NS NS 306 309 1302
    Tony Ramirez NS NS NS 294 300 1281
    Bret Perthuis NS NS 274 283 NS 1246
    Wayne Hill 283 NS NS 285 NS 1241
    Vassilios Perezous NS NS NS 286 266 1239
    Stan Tucker NS 291 NS NS NS 1238
    Bruce Luedke NS NS 271 272 NS 1232
    Dexter Spotswood NS 247 NS NS 283 1226
    Aaron Cloud NS 272 NS NS NS 1218
    Josh Singleton NS NS NS NS 305 1215
    Will Pennock NS 268 NS NS NS 1214
    Mike Haines NS NS 285 NS NS 1204
    Gilbert Davidson NS NS NS NS 293 1203
    David Bennett 265 NS NS NS 282 1201
    Ryan Wurz 297 NS NS NS NS 1200
    Chris Ramirez NS NS NS 285 NS 1195
    Chris Furlow NS 249 NS NS NS 1190
    Ken Lane NS NS NS NS 277 1187
    John Blake NS 235 252 NS NS 1180
    Troy Gibson NS NS NS NS 268 1178
    Caleb Hill 263 NS NS 241 NS 1177
    David Schaffre NS NS 248 NS NS 1167
    David Hamlett NS NS NS 231 NS 1167
    Jacob Hill 257 NS NS NS NS 1160
    Charles Rosenmayer NS NS NS NS 250 1160
    Kyle Odstrail NS 200 NS NS NS 1145
    Eleazar Pena NS NS 226 NS NS 1145
    Male Bowhunter Open (MBO) * * * * * *
    Brian Borecky 304 313 315 298 309 1539
    Robert Evans 291 313 NS NS 294 1415
    Jeff Gilliam 281 NS NS NS NS 1392
    Guy D. Hartung 275 302 NS NS NS 1384
    David Gore NS NS NS NS 319 1139
    Mike Rezanka 130 NS 217 174 NS 1115
    Male Bowhunter Release (MBR) * * * * * *
    J.M. Brown 296 NS 302 300 301 1427
    Andre Earthly NS NS 304 301 310 1387
    Clint Blanchard 277 NS 279 295 NS 1374
    Doug Stone NS NS 307 298 NS 1372
    John Fairchild 274 NS 274 278 NS 1349
    Clint Blanchard 277 NS 279 NS NS 1302
    Will Pennock NS NS 294 NS NS 1284
    Joe Tiller, Jr NS NS 274 NS NS 1264
    Jack Simmerman 298 NS NS 306 NS 1251
    Dirk Harellson NS NS 243 NS NS 1233
    Jay Horn NS 229 230 224 NS 1222
    Craig Woods NS NS 193 NS NS 1183
    Jim Reeves 312 NS NS NS 296 1183
    Torben Frewert 298 NS NS NS NS 1168
    Darrel Schuster NS NS NS NS 306 1125
    Mike Andrews 245 NS NS NS NS 1115
    Brock Bihm NS NS 125 NS NS 1115
    Minicub * * * * *
    Tod Ulrich NS 79 110 NS NS 485
    Riley Wurz 45 NS NS NS NS 416
    Male Longbow (MLB) * * * * *
    John Reyna 289 NS 263 284 NS 1139
    Jerry Vickery NS 238 224 225 NS 1072
    Joe Menendez 202 201 204 NS 223 1013
    Ray Milburn 210 188 NS NS NS 931
    Brett Monnier NS 175 175 184 191 920
    Larry Walt 206 NS 222 NS NS 914
    Derek Herring 196 135 199 NS NS 903
    Victor Bewley NS NS NS NS 214 879
    Rick Trevethan NS NS 192 NS NS 874
    Joshua Herring NS 114 NS NS NS 795
    Male Novice (MNO) * * * * * *
    Kent Mackey NS NS NS NS 330 1282
    Greg West NS NS NS 279 282 1267
    Irvin Woodard 259 239 NS 247 214 1183
    Travis Nelson NS 225 NS NS NS 1166
    Male Recurve (MRC) * * * * * *
    Dennis Mitchell 260 218 222 235 254 1189
    Ben Ulrich NS 234 221 250 NS 1009
    Don G. Sims 196 206 165 NS 174 910
    Kavin Vann NS NS 241 NS NS 881
    Diahron Grismore NS NS 191 217 NS 879
    Johnnie Blake NS 179 224 NS NS 876
    Paul Batchelder 186 202 NS NS NS 842
    Randy James 212 NS NS NS NS 833
    Ray Milburn NS NS 181 170 NS 822
    Ike Tomczack, III NS NS 113 225 NS 809
    Walter Cockerham NS NS NS NS 200 804
    Marc Morton NS NS 151 NS NS 791
    Zeke Herron 132 NS NS NS NS 753
    Mike Furlow NS 168 NS NS NS 753
    Roland Jenkins NS NS NS 195 NS 748
    Male Senior (MSNR) * * * * * *
    George Avouris 296 258 295 NS 300 1421
    Mike Craighead 292 NS NS 273 NS 1415
    Male Youth (MYTH) * * * * * *
    Lonnie Carr III 303 NS 306 NS NS 1198
    Joshua Pena NS NS 293 NS NS 1127
    Kody Haines NS NS 291 NS NS 1125
    Jarod Tucker NS 272 NS NS NS 1114
    Kurtis LeCompte 246 219 210 223 NS 1092
    Clay Horn NS 202 225 195 NS 1061
    Kyler Earthly NS NS NS 206 NS 1055
    Brett Bihm NS NS 220 NS NS 1054
    Ryan Bradberry 250 NS NS NS NS 1048
    Male Cub (MCUB) * * * * * *
    Payton Suggs NS NS NS 275 277 1184
    A.J.* Earthly NS NS 277 223 NS 1134
    Jake Schaffre NS NS 240 NS NS 1000
    Ike Tomczak, IV* NS NS NS 148 NS 974
    Darren Schuster NS NS NS NS 195 974
    Austin Wurz 221 NS NS NS NS 953
    Cameron Haines NS NS 193 NS NS 953


      Scores are way jacked up. Just saying. Hopefully they get fixed soon.



        Please contact me directly for any score posting issues. I will correct any scoring issues as quickly as I can. I try to post them correctly the first time, but sometimes it's a little challenging. I get cards with only a first name, cards with no age, division or sex, cards that are illegible and some folks just forget to turn them in. The scores are posted on our website and you are all welcome to register for our discussion board and contact me directly either through the website or via e-mail. I am SaltGrassMama on both websites.


          Dawnna, thank's for fixing the scores!!!



            Are you ready for the" LIFE SAVER CHALLENGE" Its a long shot unknown distance .. I think we will have to move it back from the last shoot..The next one is on June 24.. So come out and see if you can hit the Life saver 1$ a shot split the proceeds 50/50 with shooter and the club...

