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    Anyone have a good tasso recipe I can learn on?

    Try this link, looks pretty easy, just takes a while to make it.
    Here is the "meat and tater's" of the recipe, the link shows the recipe and some commentary.

    Homemade Tasso Recipe

    5 lbs Pork cut as described above

    3 Tbsp Kosher Salt
    2 Tsp Cayenne or To Taste (see above)
    4 Tbsp Paprika
    2 Tbsp Fresh Garlic, minced
    2 Tbsp Coarsely Ground Black Pepper
    1 tsp Cinnamon
    1 Tbsp White Pepper
    1 Tbsp Brown Sugar

    Mix the seasoning together well. Rub the seasoning into the meat, you want a lot on there, call it 1/8 inch, use it all. Place on a plate or tray, cover and refrigerate 3 days.

    Before smoking put the Tasso on an elevated rack so that air can circulate around it, then put a fan on it for about 2 hours to dry it out. I also don’t use a water pan when smoking Tasso, this is something that I actually want to dry out during the smoking process.

    I hot smoked this batch in an inexpensive upright barrel smoker using charcoal as the heat source (heated with a chimney starter, no lighter fluid or matchlight coals please.) I used Pecan chips that were soaked in water for 1 hour for the smoke.
    I smoked this a total of about 4 hours, the first 2 hours at about 150-160 degrees F. The second two hours at 180-190 degrees F.
    The object is to get as much smoke into the meat, before cooking it all the way through. I brought the internal temperature of the meat to 150 degrees F in the last 2 hours of smoking.
    When finished I again put the Tasso in front of a fan for about 1 hour. Refrigerate. When completely cold portion and store the Tasso in vacuum sealed packages. Freeze.

    Makes 5 lbs of Tasso

