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Daily Bible Portion (Thursday)

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    Daily Bible Portion (Thursday)

    Daily Bible Portion – 5 of 7

    (Weekly Reading>>Numbers 13:1 to 15:41, Joshua 2:1-24, Hebrews 3:1 to 4:16)

    Who is a Gentile Today?

    Answer: In Christ Jesus/The Word/The Law, no one! If as a believer you walk in the ways of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob your identity is called Israel. There is no other name under heaven by which you are called. When people do not read their bibles or are not taught Moses they loose their identity. This is why the Church does not know what their identity is. If they knew they are Israel they would have to leave their early church fathers and their pagan celebrations. Either a believer’s father of the faith is from a roman pagan background called Constantine or their faith comes from Abraham’s father. As a believer in Jesus/Yeshua you cannot have both as your father.

    On the other hand, many well meaning Jewish believers think that it is a privilege for a non-Jew (or what they call a Gentile believer) to study Torah. Some believing Jewish communities continue to hold these believers at a distance even when they have learned to live, walk and keep a Torah based lifestyle. Some Jewish brothers still do not allow the returnee to integrate into the assembly unless they have converted to Judaism. Nowhere in the entirety of Scripture does it say a returnee must convert to Judaism.

    There are twelve tribes representing the Lord's government inscribed on the shoulders of a high priest’s garment, which Jesus our High Priest wears today (Hebrews 8:1). There are also twelve stones engraved with the names of those same twelve tribes mounted on Christ’s breast plate/ephod. All who are in Christ Jesus are called priests today. If we call ourselves believers in Christ we are not only His disciples but also His acting priesthood on earth today. As a disciple or priest we agreed to emulate Christ in everything He does. This means we too have ALL twelve tribes of Israel not only inscribed on our hearts but also bear them on our shoulders. If we as believers do not agree that all twelve tribes still exist today, then who are we serving and who are we following?

    Also, if believers elevate one tribe and believe that all in Christ must come into that one tribe(Judah/Jews) to enter into His Torah lifestyle, then whom are we holding fast to? Are we placing man’s [Judaisim] theology above Christ’s Scriptural eternal covenant order? Even after being in Egypt four hundred years all twelve tribes were individually identifiable and unified when they left on that Passover evening. They had not “all” folded into “one” tribe. They were a mixed multitude.

    Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation [ethnos/ethnicity] he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

    What is scriptural righteousness?

    Ezekiel 18:9 HE follows my decrees and faithfully keeps my laws. That man is righteous; he will surely live, declares the Sovereign LORD.

    Romans 2:13 HCSB For the hearers of the law are not righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be declared righteous.

    Romans 2:13 NIV For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

    Who is Melchizedek?
    (King of Righteousness/King of Lawfullness)

    Hebrews 7:2-3 .......First, his name means "king of righteousness"; then also, "king of Salem" means "king [Prince] of peace." Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.

    Yeshua Ha-Mashiach/Jesus Christ is Melchizedek! He is the King of the Law[Righteousness] He is free from blemish and did not sin.

    What is sin?

    1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.

    John the Baptist preached in the wilderness and baptized for repentence of sin[lawlessness]. The Greek word repent means to "reconsider". The Hebrew word for repent means "turn back or return" Return from what? Return from Lawlessness or Reconsider your Lawlessness!

    If our born again brother Judah or any other believer maintains that his brother, whom they call a Gentile or a goy, has no part in the Commonwealth of Israel they are mistaken. As well, if a brother or sister has clearly forsaken their past ways years ago and are truly fully following the Yeshua/Jesus by walking in His ways (keeping the Sabbath, the Feast Days, has a circumcised heart and eating biblically), yet is still not allowed to teach or hold leadership positions in their assembly or told they are less equal to Judah in the Messiah’s eyes, then this is abusive behavior coming from a self-righteous heretical attitude.

    Then again, many among Judah’s camp maintain that the non-Jewish believer can only claim a relationship to Noah’s Covenant (Noahide Laws). This inference again suggests that only Judah has the birthright in the Abrahamic Covenant and is the only one who holds the distinctiveness as being identified as Israel.

    If a stranger who has joined himself or herself to Israel and the Lord’s commandments was only permitted to relate to the Noahide laws this would restrict or prohibit him from entering into the Marriage Covenant under the Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic Covenants. The commandment in Numbers 15:15-16 regarding impartiality is part of the Mosaic Covenant, which holds the teaching and instruction of Yahweh for the Abrahamic Covenant. This means that the stranger living among the twelve tribes of Israel who embraces the Abrahamic Covenant and walks in the ways of the Lord is to be treated as an equal, and as a native-born, and as a full Israelite in every respect. In this passage the aliens or gentiles are not second-class citizens but fully Hebrew just as the native born. They have not replaced Israel but by virtue of their decision to return to Yahweh, they return to their full inheritance as part of Israel (Galatians 3:29).

    The bottom line is: We do not want to be found practicing forms of discrimination or racism against any believer or tribe Christ [The Word] has made holy [set apart]. There is one law for all "Israel" and we are all equal when we follow this law. This law is Christ, The Living Word of God. The Word of God which became flesh and dwelt among us.

    Act 10:28 “But God has shown me [Peter] that I should not call any man [believer in Christ Jesus] common or unclean.”

    Note: Peter's vision has nothing to do with clean and unclean foods as many teach.

    As the Holy One of Israel, Jesus has established, defended, endorsed, espoused and died for those in Him. Scripture clearly states that there are twelve tribes uniting in Him. This is called the restoration of the whole House of David. This is the Gospel of the Kingdom and the reason why the Son of Man has not returned until This Gospel of the "Kingdom" is preached to every nation.

    John 11:52 and not for that nation only, but also that He would gather together in one the children of God who were scattered abroad.

    Amos 9:11 “On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old”

    Christ’s blood makes it possible for those who were once alienated and strangers to the Covenant to return [repent from breaking the Law/Torah/Sin 1 John 3:4] and walk in the ways of the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. By doing this they also claim heritage along with those in the Commonwealth of Israel. The tribes returning to Torah are joint heirs according to the promise (Abrahamic Covenant), thereafter to be known as a native-born Israelite alongside of his brother Judah.

    Jeremiah 31:9 “They [Israelites who walked outside Torah, and mixed in with the Nations for a season] shall come with weeping, and with supplications I will lead them. I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters, in a straight way in which they shall not stumble; for I am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is My firstborn” (Jeremiah 33:31-34).

    Ezekiel 47:22-23 “It shall be that you will divide it [the Land promised to Israel] by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance, says Yahweh our Elohim.”

    continues tomorrow...