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"SaltGrass 3d" MAY 2010

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    2010 Shoot Scores

    scores is up check

    Due to the success of aggregate scoring, we are going to use the aggregate scoring this season as well, with a

    couple of minor changes. If you start shooting in one division, you need to stay in that division for the entire season.

    For the final shoot of the year the top four shooters in each division will be grouped together. At the end of the

    season your ranking will be based upon the total aggregate score for the year. Plaques will be awarded based

    upon aggregate scores for each division. The more you shoot, the better your chance of posting a high aggregate score will be.

    We shoot LSBA Stakes and Yardages. You must shoot in an LSBA recognized class, with the exception of the "Pro for Fun" class.

    Divisions with three or more shooters will be awarded a plaque for First Place. Divisions with less than three shooters will be

    awarded pins for First Place. You must shoot in the final shoot in order to receive a plaque.

    If you are shown in the wrong division, your score is incorrect, or your name is spelled incorrectly, it is because
    Click image for larger version

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    your scorecard and/or the sign-in sheet were illegible/incorrect. You may contact the webmaster
    Click image for larger version

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    at to make corrections. If you shoot in two different divisions we will score

    each division per the guidelines above.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	23934090
    Name Jan Scores Feb Scores March Scores April Scores May Scores Aggregate Scores

    Female Bowhunter
    Becky Gomez NS 296 279 NS 291 1397
    Lisa Burks 256 NS 271 277 287 1308
    Molly Obergfell NS NS 213 NS 214 1175
    Jennifer O'Connell 285 251 NS NS NS 1124
    Donna Barnett 287 NS NS NS NS 1092
    Melinda Frenzel 270 NS NS NS NS 1075
    Debby Cropton NS 218 NS NS NS 1061
    Malena Martinez NS NS NS NS 101 1061

    Female Cub
    Ashlyn Bolting 121 NS 187 157 NS 827
    Brittany Gomez NS 208 NS NS NS 826
    Emily Logan NS NS NS 260 NS 788
    Female Longbow
    Dena Kana NS NS NS 173 NS 861

    Female Recurve
    Shana Wilson NS NS 275 NS 245 1046
    Dena Kana 188 NS 210 222 NS 968
    Ashley Duke NS NS NS 180 231 879
    Bella Menendez NS NS 116 174 183 826
    Sara Pieper NS 167 NS NS NS 824

    Female Teen
    Kaylyn Klehm 296 NS 282 NS NS 1423
    Kirsten Clark 284 NS NS NS NS 1410

    Female Youth
    Holly Tucker NS NS 313 NS NS 1319
    Jaycie McCoy 294 NS NS NS NS 1297
    Ashley Vanya NS NS 268 NS NS 1274
    Ashleigh O'Connell 254 NS NS NS NS 1257
    Kyla Klehm NS NS 251 NS NS 1257

    Male Bowhunter
    David Culbreth, Sr. 313 302 320 306 293 1534
    Kerry Laughlin NS 344 330 311 272 1498
    Jim Vitek 316 320 319 328 NS 1404
    Chris Parrish NS 312 308 NS 320 1397
    Kevin Klehm 299 NS 308 308 308 1367
    Bruce Keith 262 NS 297 322 338 1363
    Gene Gomez NS 279 285 NS 306 1327
    Mike Gomez NS 287 255 NS 282 1281
    David Garza 310 NS 295 NS 311 1276
    Tom Howard 289 NS 294 251 260 1256
    William Gomez NS 262 NS NS 245 1209
    Ronald Berryhill 313 304 NS NS NS 1199
    Matt Tacquard NS NS 322 NS 270 1193
    Eric Isbell 297 312 NS NS NS 1191
    Alan Bishop NS 308 300 NS NS 1186
    Travis Nelson NS NS 287 217 278 1167
    Jimmy Morin NS NS NS NS 317 1163
    Steve Minks NS NS NS NS 314 1160
    Nathan Gomez NS 294 279 NS NS 1151
    Cody Louvier NS NS 246 NS 290 1137
    David Merryman NS 286 NS NS NS 1129
    Matt Creel NS NS NS NS 278 1124
    Paul Batchelder Jr 284 257 NS NS NS 1123
    Michael Ford NS 298 NS NS NS 1121
    Robert Gomez NS 294 NS NS NS 1117
    Jason Anders NS NS NS NS 271 1117
    Lenny Wiggins NS 275 NS NS NS 1098
    Brian Gately 242 272 NS NS NS 1096
    Alvaro Gonzalez NS 270 NS NS NS 1093
    David Bennett NS NS NS 324 NS 1075
    David Stoval NS NS NS NS 218 1064
    Keith Rudasill NS NS 338 NS NS 1060
    Mike Vetters NS NS NS 305 NS 1056
    Chris Rhodes NS NS 326 NS NS 1048
    Jay Frenzel 306 NS NS NS NS 1032
    Joe Geer 304 NS NS NS NS 1030
    Kyle Rudasill NS NS 308 NS NS 1030
    Darrel Chandler NS NS 306 NS NS 1028
    Bo Bridges NS NS 304 NS NS 1026
    Marc Barnett 296 NS NS NS NS 1022
    Jesse Davis NS NS 299 NS NS 1021
    Chris Ritchie NS NS 295 NS NS 1017
    Daniel Cole NS NS 292 NS NS 1014
    Paul McNeill NS NS 291 NS NS 1013
    David Rudasill NS NS 284 NS NS 1006
    Ray Lopez 276 NS NS NS NS 1002
    David Culbreth, Jr. 271 NS NS NS NS 998
    Ricky Butler NS NS 276 NS NS 998
    Matt Lawrence NS NS 257 NS NS 979
    Gerald Leining NS NS NS 225 NS 976
    Eric Dove NS 145 NS NS NS 968
    Randy Linn NS NS 246 NS NS 968
    Luis Martinez NS NS NS NS 122 968

    Male Bowhunter Open
    Scott Warren NS 320 318 326 334 1479
    Glenn Scott 326 340 NS NS NS 1403
    Mark Blackmon 328 314 NS NS NS 1379
    Marty Reina 334 NS NS NS NS 1366
    Brad McDaniel NS NS 302 NS 314 1268
    Cliff McCoy 320 NS NS NS NS 1242
    David Garza NS 296 NS NS NS 1214
    Sean Farrell NS NS NS NS 301 1179
    Jack Dunn NS NS NS NS 298 1176
    Edward Vargas NS NS 274 NS NS 1151
    Austin Ontanaris NS NS 258 NS NS 1135
    Darren Robertson NS NS 257 NS NS 1134
    Matthew Perkins 182 186 NS NS NS 1105
    Jay Foster NS NS NS 287 NS 1105
    Adam Laurlle NS NS 227 NS NS 1104
    Mario Oregon NS NS NS NS 226 1104

    Male Bowhunter Release
    Dan Casso 318 296 290 318 296 1518
    Jimmy Brown NS 310 308 289 312 1477
    Jack Ivy 328 312 281 NS 299 1458
    Robert Evans 316 288 268 NS 288 1398
    Trace O'Brien NS NS NS NS 297 1275
    Jim Reeves 326 NS 307 NS NS 1204
    John Hamil 306 310 NS NS NS 1161
    Frank Carner NS 332 NS NS NS 1135
    Seth Powell 288 253 276 NS NS 1135
    Keith Rudasoll NS NS 302 NS NS 1128
    George Avouris NS NS 301 NS NS 1127
    Chris Rhodes NS NS 294 NS NS 1120
    Christopher Bush 320 NS NS NS NS 1120
    Chris Whittaker NS NS NS 296 NS 1113
    Drew Dubois 311 NS NS NS NS 1111
    Jeff Powell 308 NS NS NS NS 1108
    Mike Haines NS NS NS 289 NS 1106
    Brandon Deem 302 NS NS NS NS 1102
    Johnathan Bush 300 NS NS NS NS 1100
    Ken Howard NS 293 NS NS NS 1096
    Will Ellison NS NS 267 NS NS 1093
    Eleazar Pena NS 283 NS NS NS 1086
    Clay Tombrella NS 281 NS NS NS 1084
    Jason Feldpausch NS 280 NS NS NS 1083
    Billy Smith 282 NS NS NS NS 1082
    Jim Parten 281 NS NS NS NS 1081
    Ray Lopez NS NS NS 262 NS 1079
    Kevin Brock 264 NS NS NS NS 1064
    Brady Hourtienne NS NS NS 247 NS 1064
    David Garza NS 278 NS 297 NS 1062
    Paul Byfield NS NS NS NS 79 1060
    Jason Warren NS 256 NS NS NS 1059
    Kenneth Bush 259 NS NS NS NS 1059
    Ryan Crouch NS NS 230 NS NS 1056
    Jeff Logan NS NS NS 239 NS 1056

    Male Cub
    London O'Connell 252 231 NS NS NS 1130
    Kyle Harrell 242 NS NS 254 NS 1065
    Fallon Ford NS 208 NS NS NS 998
    Kody Haines NS NS NS 306 NS 984
    John Isbell 144 176 NS NS NS 967
    Colton Carner NS 152 NS NS NS 942
    Baily Ford NS 142 NS NS NS 932

    Male Longbow
    Stan Gouger 235 NS 280 265 278 1285
    Rick Trevethan 245 NS 288 249 259 1267
    John Reyna 221 NS 243 262 NS 1174
    Jack Lee 238 NS 250 NS NS 1116
    Sam Stephens 215 NS 262 NS NS 1105
    Kevin Ragsdale 200 258 NS NS NS 1076
    Don Sims 215 NS 217 181 234 1073
    Doug McCoy 217 NS NS NS NS 1061
    Dennis Mitchell NS NS NS NS 238 1045
    Doyle Mitchell NS 227 244 NS NS 1032
    Dale Rychlik NS NS NS NS 223 1030
    Carlos Medina 160 NS NS NS NS 1004

    Male Mini-Cub
    Oliver Paramo NS NS 200 219 234 1107
    Oliver Velasques NS 228 NS NS NS 1105

    Male Recurve
    Dennis Mitchell 254 249 256 263 267 1289
    Jerry Vickery NS 259 264 270 245 1188
    Joe Menendez 239 NS 239 233 243 1171
    Todd Bolting 266 NS 273 239 NS 1156
    Paul Vrana 261 302 NS NS NS 1071
    Kevin Ragsdale NS NS 250 245 NS 1023
    Ken Alward 255 249 NS NS NS 1012
    Kevin Duncan 245 237 NS NS NS 990
    Walter Cockerham 151 230 217 192 199 989
    Steve Wilson NS NS 261 NS NS 966
    Mark Johnson 238 NS NS NS NS 963
    Brad Poinsett NS NS 253 NS NS 958
    Stan Tucker NS NS 251 NS NS 956
    Don Sims NS NS NS NS 238 952
    Pete Pieper NS 286 NS NS NS 944
    Eric Isbell 201 223 NS NS NS 932
    Steve Kennedy 206 NS NS NS NS 931
    Raymond Milburn NS 236 NS NS 197 930
    Dewane Rychlik NS NS NS 224 NS 922
    Barron Bogatto 190 218 NS NS NS 916
    Tim Garrity NS NS 210 NS 162 916
    Edward Vargas 175 NS NS NS NS 900
    Paul Gennusa NS NS 171 NS NS 877
    Jimmy Unger NS NS NS 178 NS 877

    Male Teen
    Jeremy Scholl NS 237 NS NS NS 1181
    Male Youth
    Ryan Spink NS 305 NS NS 313 1385
    Matthew Dove NS 219 NS NS NS 1230
    Eleazar Pena, Jr NS 191 NS NS NS 1202
    Joshua Pena NS 179 NS NS NS 1190
    Jarod Tucker NS NS 308 NS NS 1184
    Wade Chandler NS NS 290 NS NS 1166
    Clay Stephenson NS NS NS NS 282 1156
    Robert Acree 230 NS NS NS NS 1139
    Justin Burnett NS 128 NS NS NS 1139
    Ian McNeill NS NS 263 NS NS 1139
    Jordan Whittaker NS NS NS 277 NS 1139
    Ty McBee NS NS NS NS 245 1139

    Senior Female Recurve
    Janet Blake 114 124 208 125 141 712

    Senior Male Bowhunter Release
    George Avouris 295 292 312 316 314 1529
    Mike Craighead 304 NS 311 318 282 1470
    Victor Billiot 303 NS 278 311 NS 1464

    Senior Male Recurve
    Jim Unger NS NS 228 NS NS 1167
    Johnnie Blake 240 237 214 226 240 1157

