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    This sssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkssssssssss s

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


      I’ve had both procedures, lasik was perfect next day. PRK was a bonfire in my eyes the first day after the drops wore off. Tito’s (lots) got me through the pain the first night. Vision was not good enough to drive for about a week. Very uncomfortable for several weeks but gradual improvement every day after surgery. Vision went in and out over the course of a month or two but finally got better. Stay tough, the pain will get better.


        Things are much better this evening. Still having to wear sunglasses inside the house, but the pain is getting less and less.. they didn't prescribe a specific pain reliever, but prescribed gabapentin and ambien. That ambien ain't no joke.. i wont be taking it anymore.

        I can stand about 45 seconds looking at a phone or tv.. better than yesterday.

        Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


          Got my contacts out today.. getting them removed was completely painless and drove the hour back home..

          Now.. they're bad irritated and just want to stay closed.. pain not near as bad as day 2 or 3 after, but I wouldn't mind a lortab right about now..

          Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

