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  • Dr. Evil
    Gas mileage 2019 F150 ecoboost 3.5
    by Dr. Evil
    What mileage are y’all getting with a similar Ford? I only get 17 mph on the highway doing 75-80. Been the same for 3 years owning truck. Very disappointed!!
    Today, 03:25 PM
  • Mudslinger
    He gone!
    by Mudslinger
    Reporting has said OJ Simpson has died at 76....
    Today, 06:14 PM
  • Strummer
    Starlink install help .
    by Strummer
    I’m not a tech guy. I’m about to order my starlink equipment. I plan to mount it on an old dish network roof mount that’s already on my house . So I’m guessing I need the pole brackets? That’s if it’s facing the right direction . Also wondering...
    Today, 01:47 PM
  • trophy8
    Let’s discuss boats!
    by trophy8
    As I get older, I don’t hunt as much. Don’t shoot LR anymore. And I’m going stir crazy. I need a boat!

    I live 15 minutes from lake Somerville. And not far from the coast. But I’m conflicted on what type of boat to buy.
    Yesterday, 07:55 AM
  • Pineywoods
    What if?
    by Pineywoods
    What if, late on election night, it looks much like November 2020 and a record number of votes come piling in for Harris in states that Trump had locked down? What if she becomes the next President due to the very same shenanigans we saw 4 years ago?...
    Yesterday, 01:30 PM