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Daily Bible Portion (Tuesday)

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    Daily Bible Portion (Tuesday)

    Daily Bible Portion – 3 of 7

    (Weekly Reading>>Exodus 21:1-24:18, Jeremiah 34:8; 33:25-26, Matthew 5: 38-42, Hebrews 9:15-22; 10:28-39

    Are We Hebrew Slaves or Son of the King?

    If we trespass against the vow we said we would keep, it can result in debts (curses) against us that we can become enslaved to (Exodus 21-23). Therefore, these same principles from Exodus are repeated with an even fuller depth of explanation in Matthew 5:1 through 7:27 and in Luke 6:20-49. The Living Word, Yeshua, expounded on the original context of the Ten Statements from Mount Sinai when He spoke them again to bless His Bride on another mountain called - the Mount of Beatitudes.

    Again, the Hebrew slaves represent believers who bring dishonor to Yahweh and His Word (our ketubah) if we strike our brother with wrong words, mannerisms or attitudes. We are the ones who maim innocent people when we use hurtful words, motives, accusations or actions toward others. We wound them and ourselves by the untamed tongue and immoral conduct. These words can cause hurts emotionally, physically and verbally against our friends, neighbors or family members. We personally rob and dishonor them if we do not show patience, unconditional love, respect or refrain from assisting them when there is a need.

    1 Peter 3:10-11 “He [believer] who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.”

    The abundant life that Yahweh promises can only come when we fully surrender our heart, and repent to Yahweh (heart circumcision) for all our unforgiveness and bitterness (filthiness) toward those who have hurt or dishonored us in the past. If not, we enslave our own soul into bondage because of our own sin, which in turn can infect others. This can bring spiritual and or physical death upon ourselves, as it is a universal law that what seeds we sow are what we reap. Seeds grow into a harvest not only for this generation but also for generations to come. Deep repentance opens prison doors and frees hearts. With re-newed hearts we can then desire to learn to walk more faithfully in the footsteps of Yeshua, the healer of our souls. What seeds are we sowing today? Will they produce a harvest of abundant blessings? May we all choose to harvest life from the Tree of Life – Yeshua.

    The Seed We Sow Is the Cup We Drink

    1 Corinthians 7:23 “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.”

    What we sow by our words and our behavior will come back to us. The Bridal Cup is the cup of redemption and the chance to walk in a redemptive lifestyle given us by Yeshua. What we do with our Wedding Gift (ketubah) will determine the outcome of our lives in this world and in the world to come. We sow the kingdom we will inherit (Luke 16:19-31). Yeshua drank our cup and offered redemption to us in return. He drank the cup of bitterness described in Numbers 5 that was the test for a wife suspected of adultery, which was a witness against us because of our unfaithfulness to Him.

    If we do not start to drink of Yeshua’s wedding cup of redemption and praise but continue to drink from the cup of adultery (by continuing to walk in our own sinful ways and not in His principles), the cup we drink at His wedding will be the cup of jealousy. Therein lays the difference between being the Bride and being the wedding guest. In life’s circumstances it could be easy to come into agreement and even feel justified with sins such as envy and bitterness. Sins like these, however, can often lead to disease in our bodies and even lead to death (spiritual and physical). Scripture says we will become sick and weak if we harbor these sins while partaking in His elements (the bread and the wine). Some may even fall asleep (speaking of death outside Torah) (1 Corinthians 11). Yeshua drank our cup of jealousy before His death, blotting out our sins forever. We need to be found drinking the cup of redemption that gives life, and leave our old sinful ways of unforgiveness and bitterness behind so we can enter into the marriage our Bridegroom intended for us.

    Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

    continues tomorrow...