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Neighbor been trespassing!

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    Neighbor been trespassing!

    Well my neighbor next to my hunting lease has got me upset. I have been leasing this property for 5 years now and have never met the guy. I see them up at there camp a few times a year but we have never spoke. His property is maybe 250 acres and mine is 568 acres. I arrived yesterday to hunt the last few days of the season to find that this guy has cut a trail from his camp into mine and been running dogs on my property. I have 2 cameras set up on my road and he found one and removed the batteries and deleted the card. The second one he didn't find and I got pics of his utv full of dogs several different nights in December. He cut my fence to access the other side of my property and then rigged it so he could go in and out as he pleases. I have a pic of him in one of my bow hunting spots at 330 am on Dec 20th. The game warden came out yesterday and looked at everything and went to pay him a visit. Here is where it gets sticky. The game warden came back and said it was him and that the utv I have on camera was his. He told him he was just retrieving his dogs and the game warden said bull @$|# because there are pics of you going and coming with dogs in the back. So the game warden tells me that this is the county commissioners son and that he would arrest him if I wanted but a stern warning should do. He said since we live out if town and they are locals that if I have him arrested it could cause more problems and then they would or could start tearing up our stuff. This just gets me red arsed. Sorry for the long read but what would you guys do?
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    I would throw him in the slammer. If he continues to be a problem, start the search for a new lease. However this guy has probably had his hand slapped his whole life with no repercussions due to his daddy's position. He needs to feel some pain for knowingly breaking the law and not respecting you or your property.


      I'd make sure the GW does his job and presses charges. If the guy is allowed to slide he will just continue to do the same. Hammer him and press more charges if the hunting stuff is damaged further. Screw the fact that it's the commissioner's son.


        Not sure of your rights as a lease holder....but I'd do everything I could to have him charged. Set more cameras out and if he retaliates maybe you can get more pics and continue to have him charged. He'll get the message eventually. Be sure the local paper gets the info as soon as he gets charged.


          Make the county do their job. You can't have an easier case right there.


            ^^ what they said!! Being the commissioners son is not an excuse to break the law.


              Piano wire stretched tight across the trail he's using at neck height. Problem solved.


                Go see the county commissioner and tell him your story and how you opted NOT to have the guy arrested and cut him a break. Then you are on record and if anything happens...Well you have recourse and were a gentleman about it. After that gloves off.


                  Post up some of the photo's if his face is clear or readily identifiable at some of the local stores. People will get on him or his Dad about the situation. Just say, "Can anyone identify this trespasser?"


                    I have to agree with the other posts, you should press charges and send the message to the locals that trespassing is not tolerated. And honestly the GW should be helping you with this. If the guy was carrying a gun I believe that is criminal trespassing and comes with a very stiff fine. So what if his old man is a councilman the law is the law. Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide


                      I agree, have him charged. Then I would call his dad and tell him that if ANYTHING on my lease were to be damaged I will go DIRECTLY to the newspaper and media with the damaging evidence. Daddy is a politician, he is more worried about his ego, his position and his reputation than he is about Junior. Use that as a leverage, if needed.


                        Originally posted by Tony Pic View Post
                        Go see the county commissioner and tell him your story and how you opted NOT to have the guy arrested and cut him a break. Then you are on record and if anything happens...Well you have recourse and were a gentleman about it. After that gloves off.
                        I like this idea, having him arrested will likely only cause more problems for you. While your at it start looking for a new lease


                          Also...who is this game warden? Stern warnings are for children.....not some DH that is blatantly trespassing and poaching on your lease!


                            Maybe he was raised by ultra wealthy parents and his richness caused him not to know right from wrong like the dumb arse that fled to mexico with his mother in the news.


                              Looks like he's a regular customer !

