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Where to Fill a Tag

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    There are good opportunities on just about every public hunting property in Texas. Is it hard? Yes. Very. You have to realize that 80% of the deer are going to use 20% of the woods in a manner that is predictable enough to hunt. You've got to put in the time looking at maps and walking in the woods to find them. Even then, it's often not enough to punch your tag.

    Based on your location, you are close to Sam Houston and Davy Crocket National Forests. There are also some state lands available nearby. Pick any property you like, then look long at hard at maps to narrow as much ground as possible. Get on Google Earth and eliminate anything within 500 yards of a road or trail. That'll cut out a lot of the pressure you face and leave you with areas that are less likely to be as stirred up by hunters. Next, look at those remaining areas and try to find features that deer want to be in. Open pine forest with no low cover or hard woods? Skip it. That ridge with the hardwoods all over it? Might want to check that out. If you want to win at the public land game on a consistent basis, you have to be willing to work harder and walk farther than your competition. Deer go where they have food, water, and security. You usually don't find all 3 where everyone else is stomping around.


      Slow&Steady has it all right! Put on your walking shoes and find a nice white oak ridge.


        Drive the roads around Brady Tx. Every morning and at dusk, you can eat like a King off Road Kill Whitetails, Axis and other crazy Euro HF stuff.

        We kill more with our trucks than any other means.



          I've hunted public land (Moore plantation to be exact) all of my life. There has been a lot of years I haven't taken anything, and I put in ALOT of time there.


            You may need to check the rules, but I believe you can kill a doe (with a bow during archery season) in the Angelina National forest. Once gun season starts they're off limits if I'm not mistaken. As far as hunting the National Forest, you can go hunt anytime during rifle season and kill bucks according to the county's antler and bag restrictions. Another option is to put in for a doe permit for Bannister WMA within the Angelina National forest. With a doe permit you can harvest one with a gun during rifle season. I'd say your best bet for accomplishing what you're talking about, is hunting one of the national forests during gun season.


              I have that guaranteed spot... you'll want to head west about 3 miles and turn left by the burning bush. Once you pass the bush you'll come to a "Y" in the road; keep going straight...


                but seriously you can check out the public hunting at the San Angelo park. lots of game and opportunities to hunt.


                  Public lands in texas can be very productive when you put the time in


                    I've never been on a piece of public land and had a bad hunt, seen/taken game on every area. All within the DFW metroMess....good luck out there

                    Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk


                      Originally posted by dlinzy View Post
                      Drive the roads around Brady Tx. Every morning and at dusk, you can eat like a King off Road Kill Whitetails, Axis and other crazy Euro HF stuff.

                      We kill more with our trucks than any other means.

                      I hope you know that is extremely illegal lol. I don't want the meat wasted but I wouldn't give that to someone as advice lol.

                      Op. Enter the draw hunts. It's cheap.

