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Do we need a reboot? And if so, how? LONG READ

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    Do we need a reboot? And if so, how? LONG READ

    I've had these thoughts rolling around my head for awhile. Probably not unlike a great many folks. With great trepidation i put them out there for comment / scrutiny.

    I believe our "system" is broken. Political, economic, social, almost every facet of our lives has a component that doesn't work as originally intended. I'm not the most educated person by a long shot, but i feel like a have a decent, real world, grasp on issues of the day. I see problems with few answers. To wit:

    Politics: Our system of government is broken. I'd classify myself as a Libertarian if i had to be pigeonholed into a slot. I believe that government is best which governs least. That being said, the collective will of the people should be honored. However, how do we define the will of the people? So few people vote. Of those that vote, many vote on the basis of personality, regional bias (for or against), or some other trait that has nothing to do with a candidates ability to represent / govern. I feel like a voter should be able to pass a test. But that would absolutely limit the number of voters and assure the collective will of the people would likely not be represented. At the same time, things may be so broken, that it may not matter who is elected to office. Politicians will play politics, and nothing will change, and the cycle will repeat itself. There has to be a better way. But what. Surely our founding fathers did not envision this?

    Economics: The gulf between the haves and the have nots widens. I KNOW there are a bunch of folks that are leeches on society. I also know there are a bunch of folks who work really hard and the harder they work the behinder they get. I am a capitalist. I believe in Free Enterprise. But i don't believe this system is working as intended. We live in a global economy, with global problems. The leeches should get jobs. I get it. But for those without a great education, how do they keep their heads above water? Which brings me to my next issue ~

    Education: How do we properly educate our young people? As a parent i put great value on my kids education. They didn't get the best education available, but they got the best my wife and i could get them. So many parents could care less about their kids education. And if they did, they don't have the education / financial means to provide the best they can. I know kids can get jobs and fund their own college. I know grants and loans are available. But if i kid starts his or her life out $50k+ in debt, what's the point? Education funding in Texas for grades K - 12 doesn't work. Again, i get it. It's a local matter. But why should a child born today in some low income municipality have an inferior education as compared to a kid born in University Park. Does the child born to less affluent parents have inherently less potential than a child born to more affluent parents? Again, there has to be a better way? But how? The education system we have functioning today cannot be the best we can come up with.

    Social Issues: I don't know where to even start. So much inequity. I don't believe we are all born equal. Some are more intelligent, some are better looking, some have common sense, some don't. People that don't try, shouldn't get. But, then what do we do with them? We are a nation of immigrants. But now we need to seriously regulate immigration. But how? Build a wall along a river? Even if that were ever done, all it would do is drive up the cost of coyote fees. Where there is a demand (the desire to live in the U.S.), there will be a supplier (coyotes). Or, we will see an increase of boats in the gulf and oceans. How do we stop people from wanting to live in what is generally considered to be the greatest nation on earth? Drug use? Stop the demand by our people and the supply will stop. Easy enough. Not so much. Legalize it all? Maybe, maybe not.

    I could go on and on, but there's no point. I believe we have some systems that are broken and we need to reboot. But, at least in my opinion, we can't shut it all off, clean it all up and start it up again. And even if we could, we wouldn't agree on what kind of oil and fuel to use.

    Enough. I've got that out of my system. There seem to me to be so many questions with so few answers. Oh well.

    You could start it over but like you said, there will always be some people who are just plain smarter than others.
    There will always be folks willing to work harder than others and at the end of the day be more successful.
    Live is not fair
    I work all over the world. We have the richest poor people in the world.
    Anyone who complains about how they are living here needs to spend some time in India or east Africa


      Originally posted by Buff View Post
      You could start it over but like you said, there will always be some people who are just plain smarter than others.
      There will always be folks willing to work harder than others and at the end of the day be more successful.
      Live is not fair
      I work all over the world. We have the richest poor people in the world.
      Anyone who complains about how they are living here needs to spend some time in India or east Africa
      True. Even our poorest have a TV and a cell phone and many wear a $150 pair of Nike shoes.
      There will always be the haves and the have nots. Even more so if we ever get to a one party socialist system. There would always be Obamas and Hillarys that are "entitled" and are way above everybody else. Promise you everything and give you nothing and if you decent you disappear.


        To be clear, I'm not advocating that everyone should wind up as equals. I'm one of those willing to work harder in order to get ahead. I just don't think many of our systems are functioning as intended and need a reboot. But how to do so is a mystery to me.


          The answers to all the big problems don't lie in the realm of politics.


            Do we need a reboot? And if so, how? LONG READ

            Learn to slip between the weasels and the idiots and you'll rise like the cream to the top. Teach your kids to be honest and to know how to see through the BS. Basically we have to succeed in spite of our govt. can't just hope things will happen on their own.

            But yes, we do need an EMP


              We got a reboot once ... WWII. It worked but at a huge price. We learned to build thing, develop technology, energy sources , etc and stand on our own patriotic feet. 911 was a mini reboot as people united and returned to our founding principals. Too quickly we forget lessons we should have learned. I fear what a real reboot may look like now.


                Understandable thoughts, but you definitely want to be careful what you wish for, when you talk about a "reboot".

                Be guided by Churchill's words that: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

                Incremental change is possible and most useful. We're still a nation of faith, and this faithful majority needs to remain attuned and active.


                  Originally posted by muzzlebrake View Post
                  True. Even our poorest have a TV and a cell phone and many wear a $150 pair of Nike shoes.
                  There will always be the haves and the have nots. Even more so if we ever get to a one party socialist system. There would always be Obamas and Hillarys that are "entitled" and are way above everybody else. Promise you everything and give you nothing and if you decent you disappear.
                  I think this is where education comes into play. If your gonna give leeches free food, mandatory classes about how to buy said "food" and how to make smart choices with spending. Folks need to be educated about how to prepare actual meals instead of dollar menu items. But all this cost money. No one, in their darkest trenches should be given something without working for it in some fashion.


                    I get exact ally what you mean... unfortunately, I believe it would have to be something devastating for everyone to get over themselves and stand as a solid country. But maybe not, if the value of a dollar increases and gives us a feeling of accomplishment, that might help.

                    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


                      How about go back to as founded. Only property owners are allowed to vote? That fixes much of the uninformed voter problem. As for economic equality, screw that idea. Let each man provide for his own needs government be dammed. Note, anything the government touches economically fails. As to school, not the job of the federal government. Our founding fathers were mostly home schooled, hmmmmmm. That should be left to the individual state, once again the federal government chooses the least common denominator and that leaves the ones that want to improve out to dry

                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk


                        Op, no offense, but you really don't sound like a Libertarian. AGain, no offense meant.

                        Reboot? How about we just follow the Constitution as written? That would literally fix everything. State's and local governments would regain control, that's the key.

                        ONe thing I've learned in my 34 years on earth is that most people don't actually want the government to govern based on the Constitution. They don't want true freedom. They think they do, but once they learn what that means, they go back to big government.


                          You can't put the genie back in the bottle. I firmly believe the Obama administration has pushed us over the edge. In my opinion we have always had liberal thinking legislators but until Obama they didn't have someone in power to help push the liberal agenda. There was a time in this country that immigrants came to this country for a chance at a better life. Now they are advertised to come to our country not to assimilate but to suck at the teat of our welfare system, move into areas of the country where their culture is tolerated and not have to learn our language or become an asset to our country. This country is more concerned with not offending and bending over backwards to accomodate the 1-5% of our population at the expense of the 95%. We don't teach our children civics anymore- it's no wonder Bernie Sanders is getting more support. Young people hear how the government will provide everything you need but when you ask them how the government is going to pay for it you get that deer in the headlights look. And I am so tired of the race baiters continuing a racial problem in this country. Do I thing there are racial problems in this country? Yes. Do I think "leaders" like Al Sharpton and Louis Farakahn (and for that matter President Obama) are interested in solving the problem? No. If they were they would be shouting from the rooftops to black women to quit having babies with men that have no intention of either marrying them or helping to raise them. They would be shouting for blacks to quit shooting blacks (example: Chicago). I believe this country is heading for a big social upheaval that is not going to be good and I believe this summer could be the beginning. Both political parties are going to have problems at their conventions. The anti-Trump folks are going to cause problems and the Bernie Sanders folks are going to cause problems when HRC is named the Democratic candidate. I hope I am wrong.


                            whoa............this post has gone awry!


                              Originally posted by Landrover View Post
                              whoa............this post has gone awry!

                              How so Oscar?

                              "An honest government has no fear of an armed population".

