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1st buck kill with a bow, above cloud 9 right now.

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    1st buck kill with a bow, above cloud 9 right now.

    Picked up the bow about 13 years ago and have passed many,many young bucks over that span hoping they would grow mature then I would get a chance at them. I'm guessing I have over 1k+ hours on stand. I did get my 1st chance at a mature buck last year and ended up shooting just over his back.

    Fast forward to today

    Been getting a good buck coming in since Halloween. Came in 3 times to a camera I have a dripper hanging in front of. Sorry for crappy cell phone pics

    Usually don't hunt this stand in the AM because it's extremely hard to get in there without blowing deer out. Lots of leaves and its down in a bottom area where lots of deer bed. Last night we got about .5" of rain so I thought this was my chance. I was able to slip in silently and at 7am this morning this guy exploded out of the woods to my right and starting chasing a doe. After a few minutes went by he started coming in to a spot I had hand corned this AM that was 15 yards in front of me. Let an arrow fly and hit double lungs. I thought my heart was going to explode with excitement. I waited 3.5hours because I definitely didn't want to jump the deer and I knew I had hit back just a tad. Couldn't explain the weight that was lifted off my shoulders when I found him laying motionless! Good to finally be in the bow kill category now with all you pros!
    I have no clue on what he scores.
    21 pts. (9 on left,12 on right)
    18.5" inside spread

    That is an awesome buck, congrats.


      Congrats, that is a stud!


        Man what a stud.... Congrats!


          He's a stud congratulations. Well worth the wait.


            Congratulations. Great deer!


              Awesome! Congrats!


                Holy cow! That is a monster!


                  Mercy. That is one helluva way to join the club. Congrats in a big way.


                    Jeez, one heckuva first bow buck!!! A real beauty!


                      Wow. Congrats. Stud for sure


                        That's an absolute stud. Congrats.


                          Great deer! Nothing like the feeling of slinging an arrow at a mature deer. Completely different deal than using a gun. Congrats!


                            Nice work amigo! That's a stud!


                              holy crap! that is one awesome buck, congratulations! you will likely put in quite a few more years worth of hours on stand before you kill another one like that. . Sounds like you earned that bad boy!

