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Most Fun I’ve Had in a While - Prarie Dogs

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    Most Fun I’ve Had in a While - Prarie Dogs

    Few weeks ago my dad brother and I drove up to WY to shoot prairie dogs. We spent some time on Google Earth finding prairie dog towns and then figuring out which ones were on public land.

    Took several .223’s and a couple larger calibers for longer shots and coyote calling. Got there and got setup around 9am and called for coyotes for a bit with no luck. Then set up the AR’s and got to shooting. Spent about 3 hours in one spot before we ran out of targets and moved just a few hundred yards up the hill to shoot off the other side. Spent a solid 5 hours here just shooting and there were still plenty left when we had to pack up for a nasty hail storm that was rolling in. Got loaded up and down the road to an overpass just in time as the hail started coming down like crazy. By then we had probably spent between 12-1500 rounds so figured we would pack it up anyways.

    No license needed and no limit or season to shoot the dogs in WY, and there’s definitely no shortage of them. It’s an awesome way to get out and shoot some rounds during the off season, hopefully next time we can get into some coyotes too.

    Took video of a few of the shots through the spotting scope, FYI there is some carnage in the video, so viewer discretion is advised:

    Dang. Looks like fun.


      Very cool and nice pics.

      Video wouldn't play for me.


        That looks like a blast!


          Originally posted by LakeJake View Post
          Very cool and nice pics.

          Video wouldn't play for me.

          Thanks! Bummer on the video. We only video’d a few of the shots because it was a real pain to make sure the shooter and the videographer were on the same target but on a couple of the 600+ yard shots you can actually see the bullet arc in. Let me know if the video doesn’t work for the rest of y’all and I’ll try to figure it out.




              Nice video!!! One day I'll go shot some prarie dogs.
              Last edited by BradBryant1000; 06-10-2018, 08:53 PM.


                That’s awesome!


                  video worked for me, pretty awesome to see that bullets trajectory in a couple of those


                    That looks like a good time!!


                      Heck yeah. I'm guessing a few of those weren't very old prairie dogs or they don't get shot at much. I've been seeing baby prairie dogs here lately. They're oblivious to what a gun shot is.


                        Do they taste like chicken?


                          Originally posted by okrattler View Post
                          Heck yeah. I'm guessing a few of those weren't very old prairie dogs or they don't get shot at much. I've been seeing baby prairie dogs here lately. They're oblivious to what a gun shot is.

                          They’re mostly pups. The videos make them look bigger than they actually are. They’re more fun to shoot because they don’t know what to do when the bullet hits, so you can adjust your aim and shoot again.


                            Originally posted by kae006 View Post
                            They’re mostly pups. The videos make them look bigger than they actually are. They’re more fun to shoot because they don’t know what to do when the bullet hits, so you can adjust your aim and shoot again.
                            I painted two red the other day. I tried to line all three up but I barely missed all but one. I shot it right in the noggin and sprayed the other two. I thought they were hurt then it occurred to me they just got some blood splatter. The whole side of that one was red. I've seen them get hit and the others just run up and start playing with the prairie dog flopping around. It's a wonder any of them survive long enough to be adults.

                            They just stand around and get shot at.


                              Originally posted by Froggy View Post
                              Do they taste like chicken?
                              There was an old man that lived here in an rail car that ate prairie dogs quite a bit. He rode a lawnmower into town there for a while. He washed and dried coyote pelts in the same washer and dryer he put his clothes in. He lived until he died so I guess prairie dogs are alright to

