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Who needs my longbow more than I do and why.

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    Who needs my longbow more than I do and why.

    I have a longbow that was made for me by a friend of mine that I have lost track of over the years. It is a Kanga longbow. 66" and 55#s, (I have never put it on a scale but I think it's closer to 45#s). Its not the prettiest bow that ever was but it's not the ugliest either. It is a pretty nice shooter but I just don't shoot it very often.
    When I break out the Trad gear I always go with my Hoyt Buffalo. I hate to see the Kanga just sitting in my closet. For that reason I want to give it to someone that will put it to good use.
    I have some conditions.
    1. You will never sell it, but pass it on just as I am.
    2. I prefer it goes to a beginner, or trad newbie.
    3. I would like you to post why you should get the bow and then I will ask the members of the Trad forum to decide who is most deserving.

    If you know of someone else rather than yourself please post up why they should get the bow.
    A retuning Vet would be the ideal candidate.

    Mods, if this isn't appropriate please delete. I will stop taking requests on Monday October 28th. I will then take votes by PM until the 30th.



      I dont need it but it is real nice of you to offer it up.


        Nice bow and great offer. X2 on a vet


          I don't need it as I have a longbow that a close friend made for me and I can't shoot it worth a hoot right now, still trying to figure it out. Awesome gesture.


            Awesome gesture, especially if a Vet happens to get it!!!


              Classy Offer!



                Im a traditional newby. I shoot an old 55# recurve .Hunt with compound 99% of time.This will soon change as I am getting very good up to 35 Yds.I have been wanting to buy a spar bow so I could teach kids in my nieghborhood. I have alot of single parent 16 to 19 yr olds on my street(stay in trouble,most without dads) if I got my hands on it I would use it strictly to teach them how to shoot and lead them down this road we call bowhunting. Im not sure they could pull it back though. I have a giant traditional target made of stryrofoam in my back yard that would be very safe and effective. Thanks for consideration.


                  My daughter... couldn't get her out of my tripod on Saturday. Her comment, "dad, this is fun. can i get my own bow so I can come to?


                    Great offer.


                      I'd love for an opportunity like this to come to my younger brother Manny. Here is why I believe he should be considered to get the bow.

                      Manny is 28 years old. He is happily married and has a five year old son and 2 year old daughter. I am very proud of my little brother! He has come a long way in my eyes with the help and guidance of our lord. Growing up was a bit rough for us. Our family struggled financially for a long time but we persevered and that is especially true of my brother.

                      When my brother 5 years old and I was 7 my mother was diagnosed with kidney failure. My mother was 28 at the time. She had gotten extremely ill and almost didn't come home that time. It was a scary moment for my brother and I. She receive a kidney transplant; however, within a year her body would reject the kidney. A few years later she had another transplant. In two years time that kidney failed. She underwent one more transplant well we were in middle school but her body would reject that kidney a few months after the transplant.

                      Throughout the first 7 to 8 years after being diagnosed my mother would become very ill and at times require several days to weeks of hospitalization. She actual flat-lined 3 times during this period. A year after her third transplant the medication she was on cause a blockage in her large intestine. This caused an intestinal eruption that put her in a coma for three months. during this period she flat-lined twice. After the coma she had to re-learn some basic functions and restrengthen muscles through therapy.

                      For the reminder of her life she remain on dialysis and suffered from several health conditions, the worst being seizures, as a result of all the complications, which kept her in and out of hospitals. To add to the difficult times my father struggled to pay for her healthcare and meds. Bills pilled up like crazy. Eventually my parents divorced which made things a bit tougher. Before and after the divorce my brother was my mother's main caregiver. He was her rock! He was always there for her whether she needed a shoulder to cry on or help getting dressed.

                      My mother survived 17 years from the date she was diagnosed with kidney failure. Throughout those 17 years her doctors could not believe how she kept surviving. I credit it to our lord and her close relationship with him and my brother being there and telling her not to quit and to push harder and harder. When there was no money to pay for her medicines my brother went out and asked our family for help and when that didn't work he ask if they would pay him to clean their house, cut grass, etc. He did that from the age of five! Imagine a five year old asking for work so he could pay for his mama's medicines. He did what he had to do until the lord took my mom's hand so she could walk beside him. For 17 years he made sure my mom had her medicines, had money to pay her bills especially after the divorce, and had a ride to her doctors appointments.

                      When everyone was including myself was down or had given up, he was standing tall saying it was all going to be good. He took so much good care of my mother when nobody else would. She survived because of him. She was there for me because my brother was there for her.

                      When she left our world my brother was 22 and he look beat. He fell into a slump. Everything had taken its toll on him. It didn't look good for him and he seem in a dead end until I he had his son a year later. When he is son was born he got up started working out and got in shape. He applied be a border patrol man and made it to the academy. Next thing you he out protect our borders in New Mexico and Arizona.

                      My brother has shown what a true man should be. He was there for my mother and because of that my mother was there for many others going through the same thing she was going through.

                      That is why I think my brother deserves the gift of traditional archery. When he visits he is always shooting my recurves and really loves them. He always says he needs to get one. Plus when things got really tough growing up we always went outside and flung a few arrows and I believe it helped bring us closer throughout the years. I would love to share my life as a trad archer with the one person responsible for keeping my mom on earth for so long, my brother Manny. He deserves a special gift like this.

                      Thank you Txjourneyman for your gesture!
                      Last edited by Loreva13; 10-21-2013, 12:00 PM.


                        I am not a newbie but I had to sell my trad gear to pay some hospital bills for my wife. Would love a chance at a longbow again. We are about to start an archery ministry at our church, and we are only allowed to shoot traditional equipment at the church location.Any consideration would be appreciated.


                          Your a great guy Greg. Thank you for doing this.


                            Ron you have shot this bow I think.


                              Very cool gesture.

