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Food Plot options without a disk?

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    Food Plot options without a disk?

    I have no way to till but want to plat a plot. What are my options?

    I tried it before and it didnt go well. Just FYI. Need equipment and a chemistry degreee...LOL!


      We have fed deer since 2005 on our place on 800 acres with 3 feeding stations. Just me, my brother and my dad paying. The cheapest option that was GREAT is cottonseed (search cottonseed feeder on here) with powdered mineral sprinkled over it. Very high in protein. We feed it or cotton seed pellets mostly from January through September and turn on the corn feeders at the beginning of September. Gin in Rowena, Tx has a great price on cottonseed pellets (around 28-34% protein). Our deer gobble up both and in 2-3 years we saw amazing results espeically in mass of horns. Good luck


        rye grass grows anywhere. throw it out just before a good rain.


          I'm interested in this as well.

          I tried Throw and Grow a couple of years back. Got rid of most of the grass and weeds, I threw but there was no grow. I even drug it to get dirt back on the seed.

          If you find out let me know.
          Last edited by billinkb; 09-24-2013, 12:55 PM.


            How big a plot are you talking? Soil test done? Do you have a four wheeler?

            Make a nail drag (used on ball fields) if you'd like to be able to break the ground a little. (Or use a hand held steal rake(harder)) drag after you have received a soaking rain. You will need to weigh it down with something. Buy some no-plow and scatter it all over. Rake minimal dirt back over seed and/or pack it down with your four wheeler. Done, I'll add pics later if this worked at my new spot.


              Mow as short as a mower will mow then drag it with some old chain link fence a few times. Put on some 13-13-13 broadcast some wheat and clover seed. If wheat seed comes in contact with dirt it will grow . Oats needs to be disk in or it doesn't do well


                I just broadcast clover into a plot after my disc broke before I was thru plowing. Its already germinated.

                Clover is your best best..... But any small seed will work. Rye (not Rye grass) is pretty small and will germinate after a good rain. It helps to kill the plot before hand but not a necessity.

                Seeds that will work just throw and grow are: clover, chicory, radishes, kale, elbon rye. I have had just fair success with oats (a larger seed than rye) and have never tried wheat.

                You will need to double the seeding rate to get a good crop. Good luck.


                  Im very thankful for this thread because Im in this same postion


                    Where to you get clover seed?


                      If you have a four wheeler or UTV get one of these

                      They were awesome with minimal investment.


                        I just put out 2 bags of whitetail institutions secret spot. Just rake soil throw and cover

