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    Thanks to a super efficient team consisting of the ASA directors(Arrowsmith and Smallcat), area reps(kgredraider) and web master(gardenfairy), the scores from BOTH of this weekends qualifiers are now available. They can be viewed at:

    Thanks and congrats to all the staff, volunteers, and shooters from both Buffalo Field, and Cowtown Bowmen for hosting these events. And for all the hard work and preparations to make sure they go off as well as they do. It is not just the shooters, but the clubs that help make the Texas ASA Federation the strongest in the nation!

    The tournament season is gearing up and soon will be churning along at full steam. And with that comes a few reminders. If you wish to compete for SOY in your class, please be sure to get registered with the ASA. The sooner the better, and without a valid ASA membership number, you will not be eligible for SOY or State Champion awards. Plus it makes it infinitely easier for us to track and post SOY standings.

    And I would like to put out another reminder that there is now an electronic version of the registration form available on the federation home page. I encourage everyone to use it to save time during registration, and reduce the chance at having errors that need to be corrected later with names and ASA numbers.

    Again a hearty Thank You goes out to everyone involved in these events, because a lot of man hours are spent making sure they are safe and enjoyable for everyone!


    Now that was some good content. .
    Thanks to both of y'all for everything you do as well.


      Thanks so much for all the hard work yall do. Great job.


        Thanks Glenn!

        I'll reiterate the importance of the electronic version of the registration form. Once a shooter gets to the range, it is almost like a "jump to the front of the line" pass. No need to stand around waiting for a clip board!

        The electronic version cuts down on so many of the issues that we can get in the registration process....legibility, miss-spellings, incorrect numbers, etc. Printing this up beforehand is really a win-win. It helps the shooters speed through the process on-site and definitely helps us at registration as we are inputting names/numbers.

        It is great to see them being used already!! Keep it coming!

