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Chiggers BAD! Need help

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    P on it to stop the itch


      Originally posted by BOHTR View Post
      Don't laugh.....but the nurse practitioner at my plant told me about some stuff that works really well to help control the itching. It's call can get it at WalMart. It's feminine itch creme and it has 3 times the active ingrediate of the others (ChiggerX, ect.) I was skeptical, but it really works. Nothing will completely get rid of the itch, but this stuff really knocks in down a few levels.
      So glad they stopped that scanner speaker dealo that voices the product out loud in line as the checker scans the item... I can hear it now as 300lb Bubba checking out at grocery store heading for the deer lease.
      Bud Light Bud Light Bud light...Vagicaine!!! .....and the room grew silent..
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      Last edited by elkbowhunter; 08-13-2014, 09:47 AM.


        When I was in Military they had some stuff called chigaway the stuff was great I have been searching for it since
        put it around top of boot and calf around cuff of shirt and around neck
        If anyone knows where to find please let me know


          if you get bit by chiggers try buying clear finger nail polish, and keep in your trailers or in your backpacks, put it over the bites, done no more itch


            Bleach bath with hot water works for me. I have to do that or I will scratch my hide until it bleeds. good luck


              set land where you think you got chiggers on fire to kill them *******s. then pour gasoline on chigger bites on yourself and go run thru. ALL chigger problems solved.


                Up top.

                Got about 20 bites yesterday. I forgot how bad chigger bites suck! Didn't take long to get reacquainted with the agony.


                  An old timer told me a way to stop the itch, but it BURNS and is NOT fun.

                  Scratch each individual bite until it bleeds, then pour rubbing alcohol over them. Burns like nobody's business, but it dries the bite out and the itch is gone very quickly and doesn't return.

                  But spraying your socks with a good bug repellent, above your socks, on your shoes, around your waist, etc.
                  I did this the last work day at the lease and followed the footsteps of another guy and he got all ate up, while I didn't have a single bite.


                    Originally posted by jeepntx View Post
                    An old timer told me a way to stop the itch, but it BURNS and is NOT fun.

                    Scratch each individual bite until it bleeds, then pour rubbing alcohol over them. Burns like nobody's business, but it dries the bite out and the itch is gone very quickly and doesn't return.
                    Yeah, I've used rubbing alcohol on each bite before, usually after I scrub myself raw with a wash cloth in a hot bath with a bit of bleach/clorox. It does sting a bit, but I'd rather have that than the misery of the chigger itch!

                    Anyway, reading these later posts of recent chigger bites dispells my uneducated hypothesis that the chigger has already outgrown its itch-prone larval stage this late in the summer and have already grown into the harmless mite. I came up with this educated guess because so far I've only gotten bit in late May and June, and the bites usually begin tapering off in the extreme heat of early August. But I guess they're still out there continuing to cause more misery! More reason to continue applying insect repellent.


                      Originally posted by Chew View Post
                      What I do is jump in a swimming pool and hold on to the side so that my body stays submerged. The chiggers take 3 hours or more to drown (depending on if they are east tx chiggers or the light weight chiggers). I just have my wife bring me snacks and pour beverages down my throat.

                      You can't come out of the water or they will catch a breath and your 3 hour window starts over. After the 3 hours, scrub all the bite areas with a new wire brush (like you use to clean a BBQ grill). This removes the carcasses. Remember...even though the chigger is dead, they can still bite for a little while. Kind of like a rattlesnake head that's been severed.

                      I learned that if you can gain access to a saltwater pool, you can divide your submersion time by 1/3.

                      I hope this helps.
                      You have to have someone pour the beverages down though, and plenty of snacks. Just to keep hydrated in the salt water. I had forgot about that remedy.


                        Originally posted by 35remington View Post
                        Some of you boys are so dense it scares me. We already covered this topic last week.

                        There is no chigger under your skin. Nor eggs. There never was. There never will be. You got bit. The itch is caused by your body's reaction to the larvae's saliva. Larvae don't lay eggs. They just feed.

                        Anti-itch ointment might soothe the pain some, but time is the best medicine.
                        That's purdy dense!!! Whew thats funny......


                          I put the clear nail polish on my fingernails to strengthen my nails for scratchin' the itch that accompanies the bites of the little chafrican's since they, as we have learned, are long gone by the time they itch


                            Try Dawn liquid soap. It will dry out infected area and reduce the itching.

                            In the future, buy dog bug collars and put them around your boots. Keeps all little vermin out.


                              Very hot bath water with 3 cups of epsom salt disolved, soak for instant and lasting relief.


                                Originally posted by ThePap View Post
                                the chigger doesnt always leave that fast, they dig and bury eggs in your skin, if you cover it with nail polish, it does the trick, it just suffocates them and the eggs will not hatch.

                                That's a good'un, aint heard that one before!

