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Single Payer?? Are you kidding me?

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    Originally posted by Russ79 View Post
    Well, I read where there is momentum gaining for the Dems to run on single payer in 2018. Medicare for everyone??? Do the American people really believe that completely turning over healthcare to the government is a good idea? Letting the government determine what doctor's can charge, since they will only pay so much (which will probably lead to doctor shortages), letting the government determine what procedures you can and cannot have, not to mention how this is going to be paid for. And what happens when you reach Social Security age when you are no longer an asset to the government (paying into SS) and become a liability (taking out SS). I am so tired of the Democrats pushing their radical agenda to look like the knight on the white horse protecting the downtrodden. There is one thing the Republicans could learn from the Democrats- how to fight for what they believe in. Come on GOP- grow a pair.
    The majority of "Americans"? Why yes, yes they do.


      Originally posted by texansfan View Post
      Same way education is.
      Why is it a "right" for kids to learn about ancient Egypt but not for adults to be cured from pancreatic cancer?
      Education IS NOT A RIGHT. It is
      M-A-N-D-A-T-E-D. There is a distinct difference. I will ask again for you to show me in our founding documents where education is a Right. Show it to me. I know you won't because you can't.

      But why stop there? Let's do free housing and free cars and free vacation homes. Hell, let's use France as the model and go to the 30 hour work week. That's TRUE utopia, right?


        Originally posted by texansfan View Post
        Remove the dems from this
        They have nothing to do with this now
        When republicans run the house and Senate and can't agree on the issue now what do you have to say????

        This is not about party affiliation so why make it out to be?

        I'm not making it about Party affiliation and you still won't address my points.


          Originally posted by Livin'2hunt View Post
          AGAIN, Medicaid covers that. If parents refuse to care for their kids with provided health care, jail the parents for neglect. Nonetheless, what you're calling for is redundancy.
          I'm calling for a 26year old and a 46 year old top get the same basic health coverage as a 6year old

          Why not?

          You really want folks to die because they can't afford diabetes medication?


            Originally posted by texansfan View Post
            Same way education is.
            Why is it a "right" for kids to learn about ancient Egypt but not for adults to be cured from pancreatic cancer?
            Wasnt there some east coast chic using this same argument on why I needed to pay for her rubbers, birth control and coat hangers?

            Wait, there is a CURE for pancreatic cancer?!? Or did somebody not exercise their right to enough education


              Originally posted by texansfan View Post
              I'm calling for a 26year old and a 46 year old top get the same basic health coverage as a 6year old

              Why not?

              You really want folks to die because they can't afford diabetes medication?
              This is a good example of how democrats want to govern by a thought process of compassion vs how a constitutional republic is governed using

              Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


                Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                I'm calling for a 26year old and a 46 year old top get the same basic health coverage as a 6year old

                Why not?

                You really want folks to die because they can't afford diabetes medication?
                It's a wonderful thing that you have compassion for people, now go take your own money and individually, by yourself, or with a group of like-minded people, under your own impulses and compassion, go and help other individuals pay for their medicines and procedures.

                Seriously, when is the last time you helped anyone else by taking your own money, from your own account or pocket, and used it to help another individual? When is the last time you gave to an organization, charity, church, etc, that collects money for the sole purpose of helping someone in need? When is the last time you've done anything generous on your own? That's an honest, sincere question, to which I genuinely want to know the answer.

                If you have done that, then good. That's excellent and I applaud your generosity. More people should do that. However, to force anyone to do that under compulsion from forces outside their own convictions is theft. I've got plenty of medical bills sitting in from of me right now, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. If I force you to pay for my medical bills, then that is me taking money from you by force. That is theft. However, if instead, I use the government to force you to pay a tax to them and then through some convoluted system of government accounting, they pay for it, we call that fair taxation. How is it any different?

                Charity and generosity done out of a joyful heart is a wonderful thing that produces benefits beyond monetary value. It produces love and good will which in turn produces more generosity, a sense of "paying it forward." But charity and generosity that is forced produces anger, ill-will, jealousy and division.


                  Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                  Remove the dems from this
                  They have nothing to do with this now
                  When republicans run the house and Senate and can't agree on the issue now what do you have to say????

                  This is not about party affiliation so why make it out to be?
                  The basis of this thread is the fact that the Dems are gaining momentum to run on a single payer platform. You have gone a dozen directions but that is what i am talking about. Talking about the Dem platform..


                    When the Dems start running around the country next year spouting off how they back insurance for everyone (notice I didn't say "free") then I want them to be confronted with explaining how it is to be paid for. Like Andrew Wilkow says, the government doesn't give anything to anyone that they haven't taken from someone else. What are the liberals going to do when they run out of OPM. Oh, not to criticize John McCain, but did Obamacare take care of his trip to the Mayo Clinic? Let me know when I can go to the Mayo Clinic for care.


                      Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                      I'm calling for a 26year old and a 46 year old top get the same basic health coverage as a 6year old

                      Why not?

                      You really want folks to die because they can't afford diabetes medication?
                      Why will you not address my points? I have posed the questions several times.
                      That was rhetorical. You cannot answer them because your "compassion" argument goes out the window.


                        Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                        Same way education is.
                        Why is it a "right" for kids to learn about ancient Egypt but not for adults to be cured from pancreatic cancer?
                        Let me also answer this one. This is going to sound cruel, but there's no way around it. No one has any right to be cured from any disease. The reason is due to the fact that the cure is found in the services that must be performed by a human being. If you force that person to give you something they have, you have now either enslaved them, stolen from them, or both. If that person provides their services in exchange for monetary consideration they deem fair or out of the generosity of their own heart, then so be it. However, if it is forced, then it is forced labor. Forced labor is slavery. No two ways about it.

                        Furthermore, we have other rights that are written out in the Constitution, the right to bear arms, for example. By your logic, there should be a nationwide firearms program whereby every person should have easy and affordable access to guns and ammunition, and if they can't afford it, there should be a government program where they can get the cost of their guns and ammunition subsidized. The government would set the price that manufacturers and stores could charge for guns and ammunition so that it's fair for everyone who wants one.

                        Beyond that, EVERYONE is going to die. There is a 100% chance of it. Some of us are fortunate (or unfortunate - depending on your view of the subject) to live longer than others. Even the richest among us die "prematurely" from time to time, even though they have the money to pay the best doctors in the world. It's inevitable. We'll all die. For some it will be Pancreatic Cancer. For others, it will be a drunk driver, a skiing accident, or an accidental drowning. You cannot stop nature from taking it's course. It's going to happen.


                          Education was mandated in order to have a population that could live a life of self sustainability, and be a productive part of the country. That has changed quite a bit since the 70's or mainly the 90's. I dont have a problem with mandated education because in the long run it produced the greatest country the world has ever known.
                          For the most part, no one in this country is poor.
                          Of those that are on the lower end of income.....most choose to be either by choosing dope or alcahol over quality work and pay or they are generational gov. Slaves so they do have to work. A very small % of our society are on the bottom due to health problems or no work available. And, what ever happened to people taking care of their own family? I dont care what my mother or how much it cost me, ill do what ever it takes to pay for it. I will not ask my neighbors to provide for her.


                            Well said, Gentlemen.


                              Originally posted by GarGuy View Post
                              The basis of this thread is the fact that the Dems are gaining momentum to run on a single payer platform. You have gone a dozen directions but that is what i am talking about. Talking about the Dem platform..
                              LoL and that's why Obamacare is here to stay
                              Because your head is stuck in the sand


                                Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                                LoL and that's why Obamacare is here to stay
                                Because your head is stuck in the sand

                                You are the Champion of avoidance.

