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    Newbie here, just got a bow and have never been bow hunting. Does anyone hunt the Caddo Ladonia unit? I live in Southeast Texas, hunt the Moore Plantation and was just looking around for other opportunities. This year will be mine and my sons first archery season. Just wandering since I have not seen a report on it.

    there's a few that hunt there. Go to the search function and you'll find the thread. There's quite a few that are from SE Texas and they travel all over the area and have their favorite hunting spots from Toledo Bend, Caddo Grasslands, Caddo WMA, Sabine Bottom, Alabama Creek, LBJ Grasslands.
    G' luck.


      Hey Pat-do you work for KERA answering phones on membership drives? Deer are scattered on Ladonia tract. Dont even try to drive those roads without 4wd and mud tires if its wet or you will be very sorry. Just like everywhere else these days, you see more and more hunters pushing the same tract of land and all that does is make the game more prone to jump over to the private side of the fence. If you are looking for new scenery for deer hunting, i would suggest northeast kansas and south central south dakota. If your drivin all the way from south texas to go just to Ladonia, you might as well keep drivin north and get into some real deer country. good luck.


        I live in Dallas so driving to Caddo is just a hop skip and jump for me. I haven't perfected hunting public down here so hunting in Kansas is just a dream for the next few years!


          How many deer have you killed at Caddo? I haven't been, but was curious if you could give some insight as to some starting points. Does Pintail Farms offer deer hunting?


            I am new to deer hunting, but I have hunted small game since i was old enough to squat in the woods and i know what a freakin deer looks like. In my duck, dove, and hog forrays and I am always looking for wings and anything with four legs. Ladonia is typified by black gumbo prarie with a few post oaks but mainly scrub brush and black locust(thorn trees) and osage orange. Not very good habitat for deer but they are out there, just not under every tree. Pintail does offer deer hunts. I think you can only hunt deer if you are a member which starts at $2500 a season. Good luck with that place.


              That seems a little steep for an east texas deer, or an elk.


                As the lease hound barks "YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY...."

