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New Year Workout Accountability 2017

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    Legs yesterday, chest and triceps today with cardio


      Rested this weekend, if you can call it rest. Went to Austin on Saturday and babysat my 1.5 year old grandson while my son and his wife did Valentines stuff. Nutrition was shot all to heck too. Hamburgers, pizza, taco, chicken fried steak ad eggs. And that's before the birthday party I went to Sunday evening. Bloated is an understatement.

      Yesterday was a holiday so I slept in then went to the gym about 0900. Another 10X10 day. Front squats, renegade rows, clean and press, pushups and pullups. Hanging leg raises and ab roller. I was spent.

      Today was a heavy 5X5 day. Back and legs. Low rows, leg extensions, seated leg press, wide grip pullups, calf raises, bent over barbell rows, hanging leg raises, decline situps, wide reverse grip pullups.

      The nitraflex/NO cocktail kicked in after my warm up and I was hittin' it like a mad man. Feeling good.


        Ran 3.75 miles Saturday and Sunday while at my lakehouse. Yesterday was chest, biceps, and cardio. Today was shoulders, traps and cardio.


          Lol. Nitraflex is the best pre supplement I can recall using. It flat out pumps some blood!!!

          Re did my chest and triceps from 2 weeks ago at 3 lbs lighter (184 now) and went up a dumbbell on every set and increased reps on a few, so it's positive to see strength still slowly increasing while I start getting closer to goal weight. Want to ease into 180 before I go full throttle. Hoping to hit finished out goals without having to cut for as long as I did last year.


            I mixed it with....

            an all natural NO powder that a friend of mine a the gym is using. The Nitraflex is good. It still makes my ears itch like the dickens though. I used to take C4 and that stuff made me itch all over.

            Gotta get my BF checked, but sure hate spending $60 at the gym to have it done. Heck, I used to do it for $10 when I was training folks. But, they take circumference measurements and other stuff as well. I feel like I'm right at 18%. Wanna get down to 12% BF and increase my weight to 230-235 from 225. Gotta feed the machine!


              Leg day. Elbow hasn't bothered me today.


                Chest and Tri's today.

                Back and bi's tomorrow unless catching Axis goes to late and I run out of time for sleep (currently working nights)

                Signed up at a new gym and set up a plan to meet with a personal Trainer once a week to help get the wheels turning. Worked out with him 2 days ago and haven't been that exhausted in a long time.

                Took some C4 today as a prework out (supplements are completely new to me) and felt a little jittery but not much. Will see how it goes the next few times

                Also started eating 10 fold healthier 3 days ago and my sweet tooth is killing me lol


                  Got in a chest and triceps workout yesterday am. Went up to 305 for 3 on the bench. Legs and biceps today. Went up to 295 on squats. It felt really good. As long as the lower back and knee will hold up I will start loading the bar up again and Make these legs look like tree trunks.


                    Another 10X10 day...

                    This stuff can be brutal, but I feel awesome after its over! Hang clean, pullups, goblet squat, dips, dip/leg raise combo. All done as a circuit. My left elbow was killing me this morning. This was the second time I've done this workout and I was sucking wind after the 5th round. Only got in 8 rounds before I had to get ready for work.

                    Tomorrow will be heavy 5X5 again. Chest , hammies, abs.


                      Back and bis this morning.


                        I ran 1.5 miles in 15:03. And thought I was gonna die. I almost stopped to get a drink out of a mudhole. I've got a little work to do with my running game.


                          Back shoulders and traps. Pretty good workout early this am. Need to start some cardio and eat a little cleaner! Tomorrow. Lol.



                            I ran 1.5 miles in 15:03. And thought I was gonna die. I almost stopped to get a drink out of a mudhole. I've got a little work to do with my running game.
                            I run from the couch to the refrigerator. And back. But I hear ya! I need to get back into cardio as well, but this 10X10 workout I've been doing gets my heart rate up there for a good 45 minutes. I've had two knee surgeries and running on the street kills them. Running on the treadmill is like being a hamster in a wheel.


                              Back, Triceps and calves today with a little cardio before and after. Off day tomorrow to play golf and then back at it Friday. My golf game has gone to crap since I started back to the gym on a regular basis back in November. I looked back at all my scores and the last time I shot in the 70s was November 3rd. The exact week I started lifting again, lol.


                                Didn't get to workout but come off a night shift and went and chased axis in a trap for about 45 mins so got my cardio in today lol

