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The Travels Of The Bow Sacagawea

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    Originally posted by bob sarrels View Post
    Charlie, I am duly enpressed with your writing skills. I am pleased and honored that Zach and I were able to cobble together some little pieces of wood, fiberglass and glue that would bring so many hunters together. It has been a wonderful pleasure to read and watch what this little bow has done to instill the pleasure of bowhunting in so many folks. Some I know personally and some just from this green screen. These are the things that let me fall into a peasefull sleep at night. These are the things that make all the fiberglass splinters and dust and glue stained hands worth it.

    I can only thank the good Lord for the talents He blessed me with and the help I received from one or two other bowyers back in the early days of my bow making days for the chance to hack out and try to master the products that Zach and I are producing today.

    This endeaver is not done for the money, altho it does seem to manage to pay the bills, but for the satisfaction I see in every face of every customer that comes to pick up a bow, ordered or off the shelf. The big silly grins are worth more than money. They are what make me tick. They are what make me get up out of bed each morning with a bit of a clip for an old guy like me. They are what make me want to finish that second cup of coffee and walk out to the bow shop, to do what I love to do. Make a bow.
    Thank you Bob and Zach
    ......just wait till you read the complete 30 day adventure!

    Originally posted by Bisch View Post
    Man, this is getting more awesome by the post!

    I know that is right

    Originally posted by Jason Sanders View Post

    Great write ups everyone!
    They are great!

    Originally posted by Selfbowman View Post
    Thanks for the write-ups guys.
    AW......maybe we need a pass around selfbow next sir.......


      Will not work very well. To many different draw lengths. It would not last long.


        Great write up Charles. Your a man with some very good writing skills

        Alright Gatorgar, let's hear your story.


          Been ten days since I received Sacajewea, guess I better start on my bio.

          I started hunting at an early age and have been in the woods since before I could walk. Dad was never a bowhunter, but still got me my first bow at the age of 12. It was the Christmas of '93 when I received that state of the art Bear Whitetail and it went on many an adventure with me for the next 8 years. I was never able to harvest anything other than fish with it, but it never put a hamper on my dream of becoming a bowhunter. I enlisted in the Army Reserves my senior year of high school and after training, I upgraded to a Mathew's MQ. That bow never saw the woods due to the life of a teenager, let's just leave it at that, lol.
          In '01' I went to work for a guy that shared my passion for archery and he was able to break most of my bad habits, and get me on the right track. In '05 I was finally able to harvest first mammal 1 month after returning from my deployment to the big sandbox. Jorge (coon007) set me up on his family land and allowed me to harvest a hog or Javalina. That Javi came in right before dark and it took a Muzzy thru the lungs, effectively starring me on my way. During the next couple of years, I was able to add a few more javis and some whitetail does to my resume. Then the hogs started comming in and I had my fill with them. It was just too easy after a while.
          Jorge and I decided to try out the fun side, we had dabbled in trad before, and see if the excitement would return. Boy did it ever. We started on rabbits and moved our way up to Javalina then hogs. Jorge has been able to connect on a few whitetails and countless hogs, while I stated on the javies for many years. I was finally able to connect on a hog last year and am trying to move up on my game.
          When Sacajewea came alive, I decided to join in on the fun, Bob has been my bowyer for a couple years now. 2 days after Charles sent her to me, I was like a kid at Christmas I never thought that a bow could make me feel that excited. For the last week, I shot her almost everyday and have practiced my left handed shooting as well. Being left eye dominant, and shooting right handed, it was a quick transition. Maybe soon, I'll post a video showing both right and left handed shooting.

          So now I am here at the DoubleL looking to get another kill under my belt and plan to do it with Sacajawea

          Wish me luck!


            Nice bio and good luck!


              Nice write-up Charles, I'm glad we were able to get Sacagawea into your hands for the hunt. Can't wait to see some LDPs and read the rest of the story!


                Well, preformed flawlessly, arrow went right where I was looking. But the blackbuck jumped the string and I barely nicked him above the shoulder. Can't blame the bow for that. Let's see if I can redeem myself on a hog


                  Originally posted by gatorgar View Post
                  Well, preformed flawlessly, arrow went right where I was looking. But the blackbuck jumped the string and I barely nicked him above the shoulder. Can't blame the bow for that. Let's see if I can redeem myself on a hog
                  That's tough luck on the blackbuck...but that's the way it sometimes goes. Good luck connecting on a pig!


                    Keep after them Alex.


                      I stunk something fierce this weekend. All my shots were high and the one shot I truly believed would drop the animal, lacked penetration I aimed higher than I should have to compensate for the steep angle and must've hit the top portion of a rib. Looked like 6-8 inches of that arrow made it into the fallow as he turned and ran. We could not find a single drop of blood, but I know that he is dead, no doubt in my mind about that. Had I aimed lower, or got an exit hole, I would have one heck of a LDP for Sacajewea...just wasn't in the stars I guess. I also blame my short draw for the lack of penetration, Sacajewea is marked at 44#@28 and I draw 26.5.
                      However, had I shot that nilgai on the first afternoon, things would have been different. 8 yards away, no clue I was there...I should have shot and worried about the money later. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.
                      I'm going To keep Sacajewea for another week and then send her out to the next in line.



                        Hate to hear it.
                        Good luck on the next one


                          Sure hated to see things turn out the way they did this weekend for you, Alex! Most of us that have hunted very long have experienced something like that and it always sux!!!!! I sure hope Pops can find him and at least get you the horns.

                          It was great getting to hunt wit you and Chunky this weekend.

                          Last edited by Bisch; 08-26-2012, 06:10 PM.


                            Won't let it bring me down though, and I called my bro to tell him to get my compound out of the house so I will not be tempted to pick it up
                            Shtuff happens. Like all said all weekend,"life ain't fair, but it sure is fun!"


                              Originally posted by gatorgar View Post
                              Won't let it bring me down though, and I called my bro to tell him to get my compound out of the house so I will not be tempted to pick it up
                              Shtuff happens. Like all said all weekend,"life ain't fair, but it sure is fun!"
                              Alex, great write up and hate to hear about the near kills! Life happens and that is why we call it hunting. People always wondered why indians carried some many arrows..............


                                Looks like I'm up next if the list is still correct. I might just get hunt opening weekend with her!

